Sentences with phrase «outcome of the research»

One important outcome of their research is a new understanding of the daily activity patterns of the species.
The video shows a rarely reported but common outcome of research: failure.
Consequently, we view educational outreach as a vital outcome of our research.
The primary outcome of the research was the number of intrusive memories in the first week after the trauma.
As someone interested in long - term outcomes, what's your prediction for the long - term outcome of this research?
Here are some cat health news items, based on recent outcomes of research studies.
One important outcome of the research was that fat tissue was the 1st tissue impacted by running.
Each organisation will also become part of the Carey Philpott Partner Research network and will benefit from sharing outcomes of all research projects in the scheme.
Participants will 1) compare outcomes of research for high - touch versus low - touch cultures 2) name three benefits of massage for children; and 3) demonstrate two massage techniques.
Participants will 1) compare outcomes of research for high - touch versus low - touch cultures 2) name three benefits of massage for children; and 3) demonstrate two massage techniques.
Dr Valerie de Broglie, Director of the Thierry Latran Foundation, said: «We are pleased to see the positive outcome of the research selected by our European Scientific Advisory Board.
The most significant outcome of the research was that cortical abnormalities which take place in individuals with migraine are a consequence of the balance between an intrinsic predisposition, as indicated by modification of cortical surface area, and processes related to disease, as indicated by abnormalities of cortical thickness.
We were impressed with their initial plans and look forward to helping them use outcomes of our research to move their initiatives to the next level.»
The artistic outcome of her research does not consist of pieces that aim to document or report, but of works that explore the role and potentiality of art and research as a transformative tool.
When we fear the outcome of research, we shirk our responsibility to the future by rooting ourselves in the status quo.
When analysing styles of parenting or reading research, it is important to note, there are a lot of variables that come into play that may effect the outcome of the research.
Kabila noted that the outcome of the research was duly followed which eventually saw Samia winning the Jomoro seat to become the CPP's only Member of Parliament in the Fifth Parliament of the Fourth Republic.
Under the new agreement, AAAS will analyze the outcomes of research projects funded under the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (NSTIP).
Margaret Mellon, director of the food and environment programme at the Union of Concerned Scientists based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says that it is preferable if authors of scientific articles that could affect policy decisions don't have either financial or other interests in the outcome of the research.
Given the predicted changes to dryland habitats globally, the outcome of this research is essential for developing strategies for adaptation by policy makers.»
A proposed pathway to construct quantum computers may be the outcome of research by a University of Oklahoma physics team that has created a new molecule based on the interaction between a highly - excited type of atom known as a Rydberg atom and a ground - state atom.
The outcomes of the research were presented at the International Congress of Sciences and Football «Image, Multimedia & New Technologies,» published in Proceedings of the International Congress of Sciences and Football: Image, Multimedia & New Technologies.
They should, however, make a significant difference in the outcome of research.
The raw data that the Expert Group has had access to is not always consistent with the figures in the article, which leads to incorrect conclusions... It is therefore, in the Expert Group's view, conclusively established that the presentation of the results in the article is inconsistent with the outcome of the research that was conducted, which is scientific misconduct.
However, this study is different from previous ones because it measures a parameter linked to the outcome of research itself.
As scientists, we often fail to explain the outcomes of our research and our work to local people in a way that is meaningful to them.
I am passionate about engaging the public in the process of science and moving the outcomes of research into the hands of people who need it.
This was done to reduce the chance that one of these other factors (rather than diet) was strongly affecting the outcome of the research.
This was the outcome of a research at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center that used deep brain stimulation to delay the progress of Alzheimer's through what they call «proof of concept» treatment.
«As a part of our AgriLife Extension efforts, we will run preliminary economic numbers on how we expect organic wheat to work in this region and then will revise those after three years based on the outcomes of our research,» Adams said.
The outcomes of this research indicate that individuals who adhere to a dietary pattern in line with current guidelines to eat relatively high quantities of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low - fat dairy products, fish and poultry, could have a lower mortality risk.
The outcomes of this research sends a very useful message, which is that even a moderate amount of exercise, which is defined as brisk walking for 150 minutes each week, can provide a tremendous health benefit, especially to individuals predisposed to high blood pressure because of their family history.
Below is a recent press release describing the outcomes of the research and its impact on insulin resistance.
If you want to be more eye - catching to the other sex, we've defined the outcomes of the research for you.
As an outcome of the research, we identified six factors necessary for moving toward a climate in which teachers are most comfortable designing transformational learning experiences:
The outcomes of research into, for example, child development or reading, are incorporated into classroom instruction.
The outcome of this research should lead to the development of strong content that can be disseminated using an eLearning course.
Once you have identified your specific research question, you must develop a hypothesis — what you believe will be the outcome of your research.
«This summer, we have an amazing group of students involved with our program, and we are excited to see the outcomes of their research
The outcomes of the research are used in the development of new educational products and projects.
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