Sentences with word «pectoralis»

Studies investigating multi joint exercises (such as the bench press) and single joint exercises (such as the dumbbell fly, pec deck machine, and bent - forward cable cross-over) have generally found similar levels of pectoralis major EMG amplitude across all exercises, which suggests that either type of exercise can be used to good effect (Welsch et al. 2005; Rocha - Junior 2007; Shanke 2012).
Overall, research indicates that the free - weight and machine bench press produce very similar levels of pectoralis major EMG amplitude and therefore either will train the muscle effectively.
The pec major is the largest and most superficial of the anterior axioappendicular muscles, lying superficial to the entire pectoralis minor and subclavius, and part of the serratus anterior.
Assessing the effect of load, Pinto et al. (2013) found increases in pectoralis major muscle activity with increasing relative loads from 60, 70, 80 to 90 % of 1RM when performing the free - weight bench press.
During a four month span in that deployment, Drs. Salazar and Choate treated nine male patients (four Army, five Air Force) for pectoralis major tears.
The data indicates that greater load between 60 and 90 % (in increments of 10 %) result in greater pectoralis major muscle activity.
Nonetheless, performing the reverse grip bench press with wide hand spacing produces the greatest activation of the clavicular pectoralis major compared to a narrow hand spacing, and compared to a traditional grip bench press when performed with any of narrow, middle and wide hand spacings (Lehman et al. 2005).
In contrast, increasing relative load in the bench press increases pectoralis major muscle activity.
Dr. Salazar and fellow Air Force orthopaedic surgeon W. Steven Choate, MD, treated nine active duty soldiers and airmen for pectoralis tears during just four months at a hospital in a forward deployed location.
Surgery is an effective and safe option to treat patients with pectoralis major tendon (PMT) ruptures, generally demonstrating a low risk of re-rupture and complications, according to research presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
· Anterior Muscles: These muscles attach the bones of the shoulder girdle to the front of the thorax and include pectoralis major and minor and serratus anterior to name a few.
Many studies have explored different bench angles on pectoralis major muscle activity.
The bench press appears to produce similar pectoralis major muscle activity to other pushing exercises, including the machine bench press and band - resisted push - ups, as well as some isolation exercises, such as the pec - deck, bent forward cable fly, and dumbbell fly.
Horizontal adduction (drawing the arm across the body) is the only movement that involves the entire pectoralis major, but when you're holding a barbell you're locked into a limited amount of horizontal adduction, which means that your upper arm is limited in how much it can move towards the midline of your body.
Therefore, the data appears to indicate that bench angles between 30 and 56 degrees display superior pectoralis major clavicular head muscle activity than steeper or less inclined variations.
In general, it seems that compound exercises that include shoulder horizontal flexion feature as the best exercises for creating overall pectoralis major activity.
Bench press technique insofar as it relates to scapula position, lower back arch or glenohumeral angle, as well as weight implement used, does not affect pectoralis major muscle activity.
While watching the NBA playoffs, I do exercise for lymph drainage (running on a trampoline) and mobility (sofa smash, gut smash, pectoralis release, and strengthening).
With its attachment to the coracoid process, also an anatomical part of the scapulae, a shortened pectoralis minor cause by poor postural habits (computer work) will tilt the scapulae anteriorly.
Pectoralis minor is the smaller sibling of the larger and more talked about pectoralis (pec) major.
To reduce the risk of pectoralis injuries, the surgeons urged the military to ban maximum - weight bench press competitions.
For example, the surgeons had to send pectoralis tear patients to foreign local hospitals for MRIs.
Since the front deltoids are a very small muscle compared to the huge pectoralis major of the chest, it stands to reason that during the bench press the deltoids of your shoulders will fatigue way before your chest even starts to get a proper workout.
The big culprit for shoulder pain is often pectoralis minor.
There are 4 rotator cuff muscles, and only one of them turns the shoulder inwards (the subscapularis), but there are other big muscles [pectoralis major (pecs), latissimus dorsi (lats), teres major] that are not part of the rotator cuff that help to turn the shoulder inwards.
Because the fibers of the front deltoid originate alongside the fibers of the upper pectoralis major, the two muscles act like conjoined twins on chest presses.
The chest muscles (mainly m. pectoralis major are underneath the boobs, not part of them, and as spot reduction (meaning fat loss from a targeted area of the body) is impossible, you're not gonna lose your boobs by bench pressing.
The pre-exhaustion method might not be an effective technique to increase the extent of neuromuscular recruitment for larger muscle groups (e.g. pectoralis major for the bench press) when preceded by a single - joint movement (e.g. pec - deck fly).
They reported no difference in peak pectoralis major muscle activity.
More specifically, the barbell bench press and machine bench press produce equal pectoralis major EMG amplitudes with relative loads between 60 — 90 % of 1RM (McCaw et al. 1994, Schick et al. 2010, Saeterbakken et al. 2011).
However, while many single - joint exercises produce comparable pectoralis major EMG amplitude to compound exercises, multi-joint exercises also produce greater involvement in other muscles, such as the triceps brachii and the anterior deltoid.
However, they do not improve pectoralis major EMG amplitudes and during multiple repetition sets have negative effects on strength and consequently, muscle activation.
Narrower grips widths of between 100 % and 200 % of shoulder width may enhance pectoralis major clavicular head activity.
However, all three studies did not normalize the EMG measure to maximal pectoralis EMG amplitude, which makes a real comparison difficult.
Including both variations may be optimal for complete pectoralis major development.
For example, relative EMG amplitudes during an unstable push up range between 5 — 10 % greater than their stable surface counterparts, which usually produce around 30 % of relative pectoralis major EMG amplitude.
This great compound bodybuilding exercise helps build the upper and outer pectoralis (chest) muscles and shoulders.
MATTHEW BARNEY TRANSEXUALIS (decline)-- HYPERTROPHY (pectoralis majora) H.C.G. — JIM BLIND (m): hypothermal penetrator OTTO: Body Temp, 66 degrees (1991) Barbara Gladstone Collection of Oslo's Astrup Fearnley Museet
Looking at this situation functionally, a shortened pectoralis minor will inhibit lower trapezius and such dynamic will affect the activation sequence of scapular musculature during arm elevation, as it needs to occur during freestyle swim.
Assessing four different bench angles, Barnett et al. (1995) found greater pectoralis major sternocostal muscle activity when using an incline bench of 0 (i.e. flat) and -18 degrees (i.e. decline) than with an incline of 40 and 90 degrees, with a narrow grip.
Even so, most push ups probably do not provide sufficient levels of pectoralis major activation to be that effective.
«Surgery is a low risk treatment option for patients with pectoralis major tendon ruptures.»
Glass & Armstrong (1997) compared the 15 degrees below horizontal decline bench press to the 30 degrees incline bench press and found no difference in pectoralis major clavicular head muscle activity.
Hand placement during the push up does seem to have an effect on pectoralis major EMG amplitude, insofar as the narrow thumbs touching variation may be an appropriate exercise for beginner or novice strength training individuals.
Overall, the data indicate that grip widths > 100 % of shoulder (acromial) width produce superior but similar pectoralis major sternocostal head muscle activity.
While heavier loads seem to increase pectoralis major activation, loads between 70 — 90 % of 1RM appear to be sufficient.
Lauver et al. (2015) compared -15, 0, 30 and 45 degrees and found that the decline and flat angles produced superior pectoralis major sternocostal muscle activity.
Bench press angle affects pectoralis major muscle activity.
The reverse grip bench press produces (non-significantly) greater EMG amplitudes in the clavicular pectoralis major compared to the traditional pronated grip variation.

Phrases with «pectoralis»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z