Sentences with phrase «people with learning disabilities»

The government is considering structural changes to the way services are commissioned for people with learning disabilities after a report found services are below par.
The report exposed a truly disturbing picture of the lives of people with a learning disability; nearly nine in ten of those surveyed had been bullied in the past year.
Some felt police ignored them and others felt officers did not know how to communicate with people with a learning disability in an appropriate way.
The organisation aims to support people with learning disabilities to have a louder voice in the media and the world of politics.
Unfortunately for many people with learning disabilities, this is just a dream.
Kind - hearted woman set up dating agency to help people with learning disabilities find love.
High profile cases make headlines, but behind those is the daily abuse so many people with a learning disability face.
People with learning disabilities often know they are behind their peers, which affects their self - esteem, and consequently, motivation.
They link people with a learning disability who have a love for live events, with a volunteer that shares the same interests as them.
An unexpected benefit of employing people with learning disabilities has been the attitude they bring to the workplace.
To help children or people with learning disabilities start to understand where apples come from.
A number of shocking recent instances of abuse, including deaths of persons with learning disabilities bears this out.
Social inclusion, social networks and ethnicity: the development of the social inclusion interview schedule for young people with learning disabilities.
Reading is physically and psychologically draining for people with learning disabilities.
People with learning disabilities in basic writing skills have general learning ability or general intelligence that is as high as, or higher than their peers.
Only 16 per cent of people with learning disabilities are exercising their right to vote, it has been claimed, as a campaign is launched to make disabled people's votes count.
I help people with learning disabilities and they respond / interact so well to e-readers.
Even where systems in education are established, persons with learning disabilities face... more challenges to enter employment [5].
People with learning disabilities often know they are behind their peers, which affects their self - esteem, and consequently, motivation.
What they do: Social care and support workers can perform a number of services, from helping to assist people with learning disabilities through to childminding and nursery services.
Earlier this year, former care minister Norman Lamb described the care received by people with learning disabilities as an abuse of human rights.
Funds raised by the campaign will go towards creating the hub for young people with learning disabilities as well as a new visitor experience based on the place, song and Lennon's early life.
Camden learning Disabilities service works with people with learning disabilities in Camden and is based at 174 Prince of Wales Road.
Outgoing chair of the Police Federation, Jan Berry, welcomed the report, saying: «The need to identify and support people with learning disabilities through the criminal justice system, and the process by which some can be diverted more appropriately into healthcare settings, are concerns that have been neglected for too long.
L'Arche (meaning «The Ark» in French) is a worldwide network of Christian communities where people with learning disabilities live as peers alongside assistants.
We asked the question; how can people with learning disabilities take up their power and move away from being villeins?
The support the «Stand by me» campaign has had from chief constables is extremely encouraging, but this must filter down to frontline officers if people with a learning disability are to receive the service they deserve.
To date, 40 out of the 44 police services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have signed up to the «Stand by me» police promise to improve how they serve people with a learning disability and tackle hate crime.
Another example of a school that has taken the modular approach is Selworthy, a co-educational special school for children and young people with learning disabilities aged 4 - 19.
The beautifully written Don't Send Him in Tomorrow rails against the «cloak of invisibility» over people with learning disabilities and suggests that every mainstream teacher should spend time in a special school.
Furthermore, read - aloud would also help fully sighted people with learning disabilities but without need for aural navigational aids.
People with learning disabilities use TTS to help them better learn, comprehend and retain the texts they are reading.
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Guide for children and young people with learning disabilities on changes to the special needs educational and disability (SEND) system.
A new taskforce announced today will help more people with learning disabilities to access apprenticeships.
Every person you employ has their own idiosyncrasies and if you don't prejudge people with learning disabilities then I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
This was echoed in the dissatisfaction felt by people with a learning disability with the way they had been treated by police.
This year, the Cambridge office of Irwin Mitchell has voted to support Rowan, an organisation which supports people with learning disabilities by running art and craft classes designed to stimulate and help them develop their social skills.
My mentor at Wake Forest is a clinician who directly works with people with learning disabilities
Every time I wait until the person has expressed their opinion before explaining that it was made by people with learning disabilities in Banwell Pottery, a sheltered workplace, as a gift for me from the charity Brandon Trust.
An experienced learning disabilities nurse aiming to support the well - being and social inclusion of people with learning disabilities by helping to improve their physical and mental health.
School problems are embarrassing to many people with learning disabilities, and they will avoid reading whenever they can.
As part of Learning Disabilities Work Experience Week, she wants companies to understand the benefits of employing people with a learning disability.
Even where systems in education are established, persons with learning disabilities face
In light of this, the government promised that the 3,376 people with learning disabilities living in NHS funded in - patient services would be moved to appropriate community based services by June 2014.
As people with learning disabilities often rely on social workers to inform them of their rights and assist them with enforcement, they are often left unaware that their rights are being infringed when care packages are cut.
Mencap has launched a panel of experts from five corporate law firms, which will work with the charity to help people with learning disabilities and their families.
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