Sentences with phrase «point of tension»

Perhaps the greatest point of tension between the academic and commercial worlds arises over the exchange of information.
There are often several points of tension in this region of the spine so listen carefully to your own body until you find a tender spot.
There are two main points of tension I aim to loosen and move.
And they ask roommates to write out living agreements in writing to address potential points of tension like sleep schedule and guests.
t points of tension within our world and the gestures offered by artists to urge us toward change.
The issue has become a major point of tension between some members of Congress and the Obama administration, which has issued new rules attempting to improve protection of small wetlands and intermittent waterways (the new rules have been blocked by federal judges).
Sexual problems were and are frequently both the focal point of tension and the bearer of destructive feelings.
In a concluding, section Buckley turns his attention to the religion clauses in the Bill of Rights, which, he believes, provide a second point of tension in our current concern for properly identifying anti-Semitism.
This, of course, is the exact point of tension between Christianity and Judaism.
We identified three interrelated points of tension being intensified by supermarket chains: whether progress is encapsulated by being an agricultural production or a modern consumption centre; whether progress should be based on a model of corporate capital or the local small business; and to what extent modern citizens can and should support community shopping instead of convenience shopping.
A particular point of tension, Thomas worried, is the U.N. agencies that are set up to ensure that refugee camps» food and water needs are met.
The biggest point of tension could be the sea walls and other structures for protecting coastal homes, Gaasterland said.
Erik's position is extreme, but his point of view provides an interesting point of tension for viewers.
A frequent point of tension, local systems are charged with passing along a portion of state school dollars to charters serving students within their district, but charters and systems frequently bicker over that amount.
«There are a thousand little points of tension beyond the «die and restart» loop, and that's what helps GALAK - Z stand comfortably among the best roguelikes ever created.»
This creates a key point of tension in each boss fight, as you have to balance having your arrow in your quiver with moving yourself to a safe position.
The works revolve around a compositional point of tension which supports the «weight,» both actual and metaphorical, of its cumulative parts.
Although Atlanta is not a border city, there are certainly points of tension, fragmentation, and dynamics that constitute our social, civic, and cultural lives.
Using the medium of painting, Helen Johnson weaves and overlays historical and contemporary signifiers to establish points of tension and reflection.
She said that although many blockchain projects are currently thinking about how to design tech that would be GDPR - compliant, the problem is that «there are so many points of tension... way beyond the right [for personal data] to be forgotten.»
Even the notification shade, a notorious point of tension among smartphone manufacturers, is virtually indistinguishable from bone - stock Android.
Anticipate possible points of tension at events (eg., transitions between parents or families) and problem - solve together to minimise children's exposure to stressful situations.
Another central point of tension in the piece has to do with causality: In other words, «Okay, we've figured out that couples who do X tend to stay together, so will it work to teach X to unhappy couples?»
We talk about the major points of tension in the book, how Katniss's character has progressed in the series, and where Mockingjay rates in terms of violence and romance.
While it currently has no military installations, Scarborough Shoal has been a point of tension in Philippine - Chinese relations.
Humanly speaking, we can not resolve the paradox by logically separating the points of the tension — God's will and our own.
Begin to be aware of the points of tension in your body.
The theologian then finds himself at a point of tension, where he is trying to reconcile the «old» and the «new», i.e. the old heritage and the new questions and knowledge.
However, if we focus on features of each of these proposals that we found instructive and features about which we had reason to be cautious, we will, I think, begin to see the points of tension that: give a pattern to their movement.
The 3 points of tension are important as it is the third arm that will help prevent the Snappi from coming undone.
These two points of tension can be seen in the refugee policy of my home country, Canada, which has recently undergone several restrictive reforms.
«A lot of women don't reach climax because their bodies stay at a point of tension, without breaking through to the other side to the release of...
Even after that, always use weight that allows you a controlled motion and don't move weight past the point of tension.
For developmental stretches, you would go into the stretch as you normally do until you reach a point of tension.
Simply roll back and forth on each of your large muscle groups for 30 - 60 seconds, pausing at any points of tension.
Passive stretching is sometimes also known as partner stretching and involves a partner moving the joint to the point of tension in the muscle and holding it for the athlete, whilst they relax!
When stretching, you should reach to the point of tension or moderate discomfort.
Once you have found this point of tension, relax your whole body and allow the balls to sink through the layers of connective tissue and muscle to release tension.
«Dynamic stretching is stretching that incorporates full body movements like leg swings and shoulder rolls and should be done before your workout, whereas in static stretching you are pushing your muscles to a point of tension and holding it for about 20 seconds.
Warnings from police about dating apps throughout the investigation into the disappearances of two men have been a point of tension within the Gay Village.
They then lead a series of open to learning ™ conversations about why they believe current practice requires improvement, about the alternative they are proposing and about how to resolve any points of tension between them.
Nor did they understand and discuss the points of tension between their own theory of how to teach math and the theory of action that was already in place.
It discussed the museum gala as a point of tension.
It interrogates the notion of hyphenated identity, in particular «Russian - Jewish,» and presents the «Russian Avant - garde» as situated at a point of tension between universality and ethnic particularity.
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