Sentences with phrase «points someone have made»

The most important point you've made in this article is related to the passion that it takes to both fuel and accomplish personal and career goals.
I'm going to mention a number of points I've made elsewhere.
Specific points I have made about the Stage 2 rule, as well as objections about those interpretations, were then addressed.
At what price point would it make sense to get a card, solely to get face value tickets?
The trendy look of this line matched with its affordable price point has made it a staple in my wardrobe and I don't see that changing anytime soon!
The only points you have made are based on your biased opinion of religion.
Having a common starting point would make the legal work easier on the lawyers and the client.
The first point I would make is that we do not have to move from where we already are in order to encounter the mystery of our lives.
If you look since everybody's been back and available, the number of points we have made shows we have the quality to fight at the top.
These above - mentioned points have made the adult dating portals popular among the young generations.
The second point would make it easier for workers to buy longevity insurance in their retirement plan.
There are some drawbacks to this configuration, such as battery drain on the smartphone or tablet, but the low price point has made it a very attractive option for consumers.
Using the 911 GT3 as the starting point they have made it not only lighter but also wider, more aerodynamic and more powerful.
The only somewhat valid point you've made here relates to the pollution potential of sea salt harvested from polluted water, but even there we're talking about extremely minute (that's minute, as in tiny, not minute, as in «I'll be there in a minute») quantities.
Bullet points are always an even number to balance the page, as 1 or 3 bullet points would make for awkward formatting.
The ADP convened a stocktaking plenary in which Parties reiterated many of the same points they had made in the previous stocktaking.
There is a further point I would make concerning this graph and the significance of a trend which I think would further reinforce what I am arguing but for that I need to know what units the Y - axis autocorrelation is being measured in.
Emil Brunner is one of those who hold that the Christian doctrine of creation is not to be interpreted as a general philosophic concept; but he surely is stating the same point we have made when he says:
In such a context, increasing potential output growth by even a few tenths of a percentage point would make an important difference to all the issues I have spoken about today.
The key point I would make, above all else, would be for you to double check all ingredients if you know you are gluten intolerant or may be cooking for a family member of friend who is.
A number of changes — including to the «double reasonableness» test — reflect points we have made and although not all of our concerns have been met, we are getting towards a workable rule that will be effective against abusive schemes whilst not getting in the way of general business planning.
I just came across an interview you gave in 2013, wherein you reiterate so many points you've made since the early days of your blog, and everything you've ever said was so true.
That's a smart point you've made, and I would like to challenge myself.»
I agree with the general points you've made, and I also recommend Daniel Koretz's book.
My last point I would make is that while self published authors have been working very hard to improve their product in the last couple of years, traditional publishing is lowering its standards in the rush to publish.
The sweeping view of the whole of Harriet's life gives us room to ponder how memories and turning points have made us who we are.
«Packaging our treats in attractive, coordinated colors with easy - to - read sales points has made it easy for consumers to pick up on the colors and their associated functions,» such as low - calorie or joint - pain formulas, Balthis says.
Many people who are new to earning credit card points have made earning Chase Ultimate Rewards a priority ahead of applying for credit cards from other banks.
Many of these comments encompass points we've made in our U.S. and Canadian statements.
My reaction to Oliver's piece was that it was reasonable, made a lot of good points I had made myself, and that it was not anti-nuclear.
they feel compelled to make the same points they've made endless times before, only this time, louder and with more emotional oomph.
(cf. «Junk DNA» for example) There could have been interbreeding with Neanderthals, but I'm not sure what point that would make, as they aren't in our lineage in the first place.
Re-state here your thesis, tie together the three points you have made in the middle three paragraphs, lead the reader into new insights by introducing minor new thoughts or asking a few questions.
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