Sentences with phrase «possibility for»

And that opens up all kinds of possibilities for new electronics and sensors, according to the paper.
She has caught a glimpse of new possibilities for worship in her community.
Seen in this way, death gives a person's ongoing life, with its openness to many possibilities for new experience, a final actuality.
Of course it is all a learning experience but I am happy to work with a system that offers more possibilities for working more professional.
With advances in technology, the future looks very exciting for mobile learning, with endless possibilities for creating better learning experiences for learners.
Tomorrow begins a new year, open with possibilities for new opportunities and improvements upon the status quo.
New system will open possibilities for many more good things (like several saves, logs etc).
The artist tries to choose an unusual path and intends to create possibilities for unlimited imagination.
Exploring possibilities for sexual relationships can also mean challenging beliefs, assumptions, and norms for both couples and therapists alike.
A big half bath offers possibility for addition of a shower.
Where they are successful, and most cases begin mediation, there is the additional payoff of increased possibilities for future cooperation.
They are interesting stories and each story might help you think about possibilities for yourself.
It also leads us to question the real possibilities for change and transformation.
I see other possibilities for partnerships with other media outlets that can help us not only to build student participation in education abroad, but also to advance learning outcomes.
Although this can be uncomfortable, it also provides great possibilities for change.
We have the means to cope with adverse conditions, and to adapt to new ones, opening up many new possibilities for better lives.
For both soldiers and civilians, better batteries open up greater possibilities for using renewable energy to fuel our gadgets and other electronics.
For lawyers, this opens a number of possibilities for using both inbound and outbound text messages.
It's important to see possibilities for different players and opportunities for the players.
But autonomous vehicles provide exciting new possibilities for what transportation can look like.
For me it is the excitement of the journey you are willing to embark on, and the endless possibilities for growth.
Because of an ongoing shortage in student accommodation, especially close to campus, and limited possibilities for further developments close to campus, these properties are extremely popular.
I could just go on and on with the endless possibilities for how you could style these pieces!
In short we have shown that Christian faith is a real possibility for persons who are richly informed and deeply sensitive.
By taking advantage of these tools, the author opens up new possibilities for increased virtual shelf space at the retailers.
One way helps to give us a sense of possibility for life in the universe.
I'm not sure, but I am sure that other than the long bath, those things are just not possibilities for me right now.
The open architecture of the internet still offers fantastic possibilities for human liberation.
This exhibition platform allows the museum to explore different possibilities for engaging the public without the presence of a building — planned for completion in late 2017.
With more than a billion people going online every day, getting you work published online opens up your talent to infinite possibilities for more literary opportunities as well as fame.
With each artist bringing their own distinct means of exploring the structure, and to equally distinct ends, the show offers eye - opening possibilities for such a modest subject.
Our digital, interactive products offer unlimited possibilities for more effective and intelligent testing and actionable data.
This previously unknown form of interaction opens up new possibilities for developing better vaccines and more efficient medication to combat the flu.
Moving our schools to ever greater learning possibilities for students will occur as empowered educators practice critical and creative thinking applied to the complex communities beyond the school walls.
The registration is with limited possibilities for free membership, but if the member wants to open new options he has to pay $ 19.99 every month.
No matter how good the instruction is, I always try to look for possibilities for professional growth.
Out of the limitless possibilities for study in our solar system, what priorities should space scientists set?
That also opens up a world of possibilities for higher - capacity aftermarket batteries.
Typically, you end up having to double - enter material in both programs, which leaves a huge possibility for error.
Throughout this book I will be talking about the importance of having a vision of future possibilities for which we can hope and work.
The newly added features will be unlocking a lot of possibilities for social streaming that will help users find what they are looking across the service.
From fun activities for the whole family, to ones just for the kids that let you enjoy a cocktail at the bar, there are endless possibilities for fun.
I would love to talk to you about creative possibilities for you personally or your business.
We know that there are numerous possibilities for making changes, but we don't know how fast they can be made.
I was only awarded one per run, so having to complete this arena three times is a real possibility for most.

Phrases with «possibility for»

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