Sentences with phrase «practice principles»

Further discussion of best practice principles is returned to shortly.
Every woman can bless the lives of others in countless ways when she puts into practice the principles of love, caring and kindness.
The program of AA is working the steps and practicing the principles in your daily life.
By making many of our Core Knowledge curriculum materials freely available, we work to put into practice the principle that every child in a democracy should have access to shared, enabling knowledge.
The Australian Government suggests that certain governance measures and leading practice principles could be mandated.
The document presents good practices and good practice principles on the development, selection, and use of indicators used in the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation interventions.
The quality indicators correspond to core practice principles that any defender program will recognize, and can either adopt wholesale or adapt to local practice nuances.
It identifies five key practice principles that will help service providers meet the needs of people who have a past forced adoption experience.
By using the democratic process in decision - making, the mental health task force practices principles of good mental health in its own operations.
To see a restaurant actually practice those principles is amazing, inspiring and makes me want to eat there every week — and tell all my friends.
Comprehensive designs that follow stress - free practice principles at every touch point.
But I have to practice the principles in all of my affairs.
Built on best practices principles that have been gained by over 10 years of continuous development, refinement, and enhancement.
This would require native title parties to register «future act» agreements with a review body which may be assessed against «leading practice principles».
I encourage you to practice the principles of making plants the main part of your plate and add in animal proteins here and there, if you want to.
-- Fortunately, it is possible to recover from this disease by practicing principles of the healthy lifestyle and using the following natural remedies:
The Australian Early Years Learning Framework states that «early childhood educators will reinforce in their daily practice the principles laid out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child».
The Australian Early Years Learning Framework states that «early childhood educators will reinforce in their daily practice the principles laid out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child» (2009, p. 5).
The Best Practice Principles apply in all cases involving family violence or child abuse (or the risk of either) in proceedings before courts exercising jurisdiction under the Family Law Act, and provide useful background information for decision makers, legal practitioners and individuals involved in these cases.
the Bible's great until you start practicing its principles: charity, doing unto others, etc..
Nevertheless, they put into practice the principles over which many reform battles were waged.
Thanks so much for coming with us on this journey and for always practicing the principles of Drink Smart.
FMC Corporation practices the principles of Responsible Care at its facilities worldwide.
Each chapter provides a detailed explanation of one of the mastery principles, the steps you need to take to apply them to your own practice, and suggestions for how you can begin practicing the principle in your classroom right away.
When preservice teachers then practice these principles by designing and presenting lessons to their classmates, they synthesize what they have learned to make decisions about the role of technology in the lesson development and the ways in which it will influence student learning.
UConn's core practice principles focus on helping prospective teachers learn to use their professional judgment, and to help students develop into independent thinkers.
Every member is charged with the responsibility to uphold, promote and practice the principles set forth in this Code of Ethics.
On the other hand, I always tend to argue that the EU shouldn't only practice the principle of subsidiarity in the breach.
Standards start out as practice principles and are localized to reflect the procedures in a particular jurisdiction.
• To obtain a position of pharmacy technician with Mega Life utilizing state approved certificate along with knowledge of pharmacy practice principles and assistantship.
This Good Practice Principles resource paper is for service providers working with people affected by past forced adoption policies and practices, including the Forced Adoption Support Services.
After they have received training on the basic casework practice principles needed to perform effectively on the job, they should also receive training in topical areas to assist them in their continuing professional growth and development.
Research confirms that we learn more deeply and internalize change more successfully when actively practicing the principles we are learning.
Healing Families Through Sared Meaning of Trauma: Applying Narrative Practice Principles in Family Trauma Work Family Center at Kennedy Kreiger Institute 5th Biennial Trauma Conference, October 2, 2015
It should be under CONSUMER PROTECTION, at the very least — since the Fair Information Practice Principles are not applied to these data.
More and more noticeables are heading the paleo way and have chosen to stay healthy and fit by practicing the principles of the paleo lifestyle.
The Best Practice Principles Group (BPPG) website provides details on the principles, an overview of how they were developed and lists members and signatories.
Over five days, students specializing in a variety of fields, from twenty universities in 13 countries, will travel 100 km on different routes of the Camino de Santiago, putting into practice the principles of sustainable tourism they have previously analysed.
The Child and Family Services Reviews were designed to support key practice principles, including tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs of children and families; offering children and families opportunities to provide input into the identification of their strengths, needs, and goals; and promoting parents» strengths by emphasizing partnership with service providers.
Nine practice principles guide FC interventions: ecological developmental framework; community outreach; individualized family assessment and tailored interventions; helping alliance; empowerment principles; strengths - based practice; cultural competence; outcome - driven service plans with SMART goals; and a focus on the competence of the practitioner.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and practice these principles in all our affairs.
March 5, 2014 — The industry - developed Best Practice Principles for Voting Research & Analysis are announced.
Fortunately, it is possible to recover from autoimmune diseases by practicing principles of the healthy lifestyle and using the following natural remedies:
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