Sentences with phrase «prescription sleep medications»

When taking prescription sleep medications, its best to take them only as directed by your doctor, for a short period of time at the lowest - effective dose.
They also can result in alarming side effects: a recent study showed that use of prescription sleep medications resulted in an increase in mortality and cancer risk.
Sure, nine minutes doesn't seem like much time on the clock, however it is about the same amount of sleep you gain on prescription sleep medication.
It is also helpful for blind people, jet lag and those in withdrawal from prescription sleep medication.
Although prescription sleep medications are common, they also come with troubling side effects and a four times higher risk of death.
The use of prescription sleep medications, meanwhile, grew by 52 % among adults in the five years up to 2006.
Because clinical studies of Rozerem have found little evidence for abuse and tolerance (it was tested in patients with a history of drug abuse), it's the only prescription sleep medication not classified as a controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
These improvements are as good as, or better than, those seen in people who take prescription sleep medications such as zolpidem (Ambien) and eszopiclone (Lunesta).
«One in three older adults take something to help them sleep but many don't talk to their doctors: 1 in 12 people over age 65 take prescription sleep medications, which carry health risks for older people.»
In all, 14 percent of the poll respondents said they regularly took a prescription sleep medication, prescription pain medication, OTC sleep aid or herbal supplement to help them sleep.
But among those with frequent sleep issues who took something on a regular basis to try to sleep, prescription sleep medications were the most common option, with 17 percent reporting use.
Granted, prescription sleep medications are life savers for many people.
When used correctly, prescription sleep medications may provide rapid relief of the symptoms of insomnia — and may be safer and more effective than over-the-counter medicines that don't require a doctor's permission to purchase.
And yet 60 million Americans suffer from some kind of sleep disorder and as many as 1 in 6 of those use prescription sleep medications, many of which are addictive and have side effects.
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