Sentences with phrase «proper brain function»

It stimulates your central nervous system and is necessary for proper brain function.
You need them for all sorts of things like proper brain function, building muscle, and just plain fuel to live.
These potential challenges to proper brain function provide us with clue for where we should look for support, as we grow older and wiser.
It helps to convert food into energy; helps maintain proper brain function.
Vitamin D aids calcium digestion, supports immune function, has been linked to weight loss and management, and is needed for proper brain function, especially as we age.
Proper brain function requires an active maintenance program to sustain neuronal health.
Melatonin is a potent anti-oxidant which protects us against free radicals and helps to promote proper brain function.
DHA, found in fish oil, is an essential omega - 3 fatty acid and is vital for proper brain function.
Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B - 6, which plays an important role in proper brain function and the production of serotonin and dopamine, which elevates mood.
It only requires empathy, sympathy, and the proper brain functions, including minimum amounts of the brain chemical oxytocin.
Chickpeas: Also known as Garbanzo beans, chickpeas are rich in protein (12 grams per cup) and folate, important for red blood cell production and proper brain function.
However, significant differences emerged when the researchers looked at sodium concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing a cushion for the brain while also helping to ensure chemical stability for proper brain function.
This evidence suggests that APOE is important for proper brain function, but we know little about how APOE itself may lead to Alzheimer's disease.»
(Although IL - 1β is important for proper brain function, excessive levels can damage cognition and are associated with some neurological diseases.)
Although long thought to merely provide support and nourishment for neurons, it's now clear that astrocytes are vital for proper brain function.
We want to determine how parts of the brain encode information, relay it to one another, and decode it, which is fundamental to proper brain function.
It is essential in the intercellular communications of brain cells, vital for proper brain functioning.
Essential fatty acids or shortly known as EFAs are nutrients required for proper brain functioning, nervous system development, mood regulation, metabolism regulation, hemoglobin and hormone production.
The reason for this is that these essential oils are necessary for proper brain functioning, immune function, hormonal balance and skin integrity as they are the necessary building blocks for the cellular membrane of every single cell in our body.
But mounting evidence indicates that ignoring your gut may have far - reaching psychological consequences, and it's becoming increasingly clear that nourishing your gut flora through proper diet, from cradle to grave, is extremely important for proper brain function, and that includes psychological well - being and mood control.
Vegetable oils are high in omega - 6 fatty acids, which are essential for proper brain function.
B vitamins help the body metabolize fats and protein; promote healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver; help the nervous system function properly; and are necessary for proper brain function.
Only the glycogen stored in the liver can be broken down and sent back to the bloodstream so as to maintain adequate blood sugar levels for proper brain function.
«This one supports a healthy immune system, proper brain function, and your digestive system, as well as your circulatory system and joint function.
Folate is essential for proper brain function.
Increasingly, scientific evidence shows that nourishing your gut flora with the friendly bacteria known as probiotics is extremely important for proper brain function, and that includes psychological well - being and mood control.
Increasingly, scientific evidence shows that nourishing your gut flora with the beneficial bacteria found in traditionally fermented foods (or a probiotic supplement) is extremely important for proper brain function, and that includes psychological well - being and mood control.
Eat Well Nutrition is essential for proper brain functioning, and brain cells working to maintain self - control require glucose, or sugar.
Potatoes» high level of carbohydrates may have some advantages, including helping maintain good levels of glucose in the blood, which is necessary to proper brain functioning.
Your body needs glucose (sugar) for proper brain function, but it doesn't need it in large quantities or from junk sources.
Protein dense and packed with fatty acids needed for proper brain function, eggs also contain essential vitamins and minerals.
Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin B - 6, which plays an important role in proper brain function and the production of serotonin and dopamine, which elevates mood.
Working memory is the basis for nearly everything needed for proper brain function, and many studies have shown that testosterone improves working memory in men.
B vitamins help to maintain the health of nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver and mouth, as well as healthy muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract and proper brain function.
A good night's sleep is crucial to proper brain function, and studies suggest that getting less than six hours of sleep per night can raise your cortisol levels, making you more stressed out.
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