Sentences with phrase «public school alternatives»

Our founders envisioned a free, public school alternative where all students would be held to the highest academic and behavioral expectations, and college would become a reality.
Parents and children deserve choices, he said, and the Legislature tried to provide flexibility for public school alternatives meeting those goals.
Another problem is the sheer lack of high - quality public school alternatives within reasonable driving distance of many a failing urban school; given the choice between the low - performing school in their own neighborhood and the mediocre school ten miles away, parents may stick to the path of least resistance.
On a leap of faith, Allen put in an application to send her younger son to one of the few other public school alternatives in the city: a new district school for gifted students.
As Ramesh Ponnuru has noted, using the same CREDO research that Doug cites, Detroit charter schools produce significantly better outcomes than the traditional public school alternatives.
As Booker would tell the story at the 2005 annual summit of the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO), a nonprofit that supports public school alternatives, Jones then said, «Boy, you need to learn something.
Atlanta, May 7, 2014 — For families seeking public school alternatives, charter schools are a hoped - for option in Georgia.
Online schools often become schools of last resort, and for many families they are the only public school alternative available.»
Jenn has also worked for New York City Public Schools Alternative School District 79.
Education savings account (ESAs) provide parents with most or all of funds the state would have spent on a child's education, allowing parents to pay for public school alternatives, such as tutoring, online courses, private school tuition, or a combination of other educational services.
«Effective charter schools provide options for families for quality public school alternatives
In other words, the public school alternatives are not so great and the performance of the participating private schools is considerably worse.
April 25, 2016 — Education savings account (ESAs) provide parents with most or all of funds the state would have spent on a child's education, allowing parents to pay for public school alternatives, such as tutoring, online courses, private school tuition, or a combination of other educational services.
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