Sentences with phrase «real evil»

This is an incredibly powerful and difficult debut novel, unlocking mechanisms that enable us to face real evil.
This is an incredibly powerful and difficult novel, unlocking mechanisms that enable us to face real evil.
The problem with drawing moral equivalencies between the very real EVIL of terrorism and those who combat it is that the terrorists always win in such a shamelessly disgusting comparison.
Ivan presents real evil which we must not explain away.
Wolfenstein 2 emphasizes not just the dangers of complacency but also the value of resistance, by connecting it to the very real evils of our world.
For real evil, as we experience it, does not build up and develop its victims; it corrupts, corrodes and destroys them.
Mirosal, Yes, we all have the sin nature, but I meant real evil, evil beyond our comprehension.
But there is an illumination and we can know that there is a patient, redemptive reality in and through all of life which transmutes real evil, real loss, real threats to the growth of human good into the deeper, more sensitive and more enduring goods of love and humility?
If History Channel wanted to portray real evil they would have had the Ceo's for Chase Bank and Nationwide Insurance mucking about in a robe taking advantage of honest people.
The problem with such an argument is that while it offers a very helpful insight into the question of why we suffer and endure hardship, it says nothing about real evil.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, would be inflicting real evil on cinema and reality.
If they are real evil publishing necromancers, they sparkle.
There is real evil in this world, you are a prophetic outpost for the Kingdom of God.
Thank God that you've never faced real evil and survived to talk about it.
Religion itself is the real evil here.
(Pike's attempt to resolve this by an appeal to Augustine's view that there is ultimately no real evil is unconvincing.)
Sounds like the real evil one to me.
There is much good, yet there is real evil.
Real evil is fundamentally opposed to goodness, not a necessary part of God's plan, let alone part of his life.
Haught does not confront the real evil of sin in our world.
Anything less in this fallen world is merely vain speculation and a pipe dream because like it or not there is real evil in the heart and mind of man and it permeates everything around us — even in the church.
Not all delegates in the Council were in agreement with the above statement; many felt that the real evils faced by workingmen were alcohol and working on the Sabbath, but the principles were approved by most members.
We should look for a faith that finds the real evils of this world worth railing against; one that doesn't need a self - made, trivial diversion in order to feel valid.
The real evil in the world, then, is the evil will of men.
Noddings posits as an example of the relationship of these conditions to real evil the situation of a hopelessly ill elderly woman who endures excruciating pain, is separated from all loved ones, and is helpless to help herself.
Caligula, the Roman emperor also fit, that is why he through he was a god, And one of the Herod's, the real evil one that killed John the Baptist, presided over Jesus's second trail himself, mocking Jesus, saying let me see you do a trick, magician.
There is a real good and a real evil, and the rule of law is a mechanism for maximizing the former and minimizing the latter.
I think it's one of the roots of real evil that's in the world.
As Canon Andrew White (aka the vicar of Baghdad) affirms in his interview with us, real evil is very much alive in the world today.
There is real evil, and real loss.
My point is simple... why are we not focusing on the real evil here?
But this we do know, that there are ways in which real evil, a shattering illness, a tragic death, or a vicious social injustice can so enter into the deeper sensitivity of men that a higher and stronger moral and spiritual power is released.
What can faith say, then, in the face of real evil?
There is real evil in this world, may you be a prophetic outpost for the Kingdom of God, living into the abundance of God in your life.
While the bishop's exegesis does not sparkle with clarity, it sure seems that she is attributing the real evil in this Lucan story to the apostle himself.
The real evil here are the so called «christians», but that should surprise no one who can read a history book..
But if God is ultimately redeemer, how dare he hold out on redemption here and now in the face of real evil?
A real evil should nor be fought against at the cost of greater misery.
Among the many advantages of Whitehead's solution to the problem of evil is his recommendation that the factuality of real evil be included in the assemblage of data which form the basis of philosophical investigation (MT 70f, 109f).
Once we are sold on them and they are in place, we will realize the real evil at work, here.
-- that is the real evil to bring down our planet altogether.
It is the obstinate and ignorant Christians like yourself that create the real evils of this world, and I'm not talking about the some man with red skin, bad breath, a hot temper, and a tail — but real evil, like bashing gays or creating wars like the religious nutcases do all the time.
Real evil, however, is dreary, monotonous, barren.
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