Sentences with phrase «rigorous teacher evaluations»

How are teachers experiencing the more rigorous teacher evaluation systems that many states have mandated in recent years?
It brings me no pleasure to predict that the project to create rigorous teacher evaluations by fiat is likely to fail.
Under the plan outlined by the White House, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is inviting states that agree to overhaul low - performing schools and adopt more rigorous teacher evaluation systems to apply for relief from the Bush - era law's 2014 deadline and other unpopular provisions.
For example, two of the current top priorities of the U.S. Department of Education are to get states to implement rigorous teacher evaluation systems and to improve the quality of the nation's teacher preparation programs.
• Race to the Top's enthusiasm for rigorous teacher evaluations led states to adopt «growth measures» in non-tested subjects (like P.E.) that don't pass the laugh test and are helping to fuel the backlash to testing and accountability writ large.
States must develop rigorous teacher evaluation systems and ensure a more equitable distribution of effective teachers.
A product of compromise, the new bill rolls back the federal government's role in school accountability, enshrines the Obama administration's Race to the Top competition and does not mandate rigorous teacher evaluations.
The compositional effect of rigorous teacher evaluation on workforce quality.
• Hope Street Group, a consulting firm that was instrumental in formulating Race to the Top, sponsors a Teaching Fellows program that awards $ 5,000 stipends for teachers who are involved in implementing reforms, such as rigorous teacher evaluations, in their respective states.
For example, both the Common Core State Standards effort and the move toward rigorous teacher evaluations could lead to dramatic increases in student achievement, if implemented faithfully by states and school districts.
Cuomo is tying most of his $ 1.1 billion proposed increase for education aid to enacting his education reforms, which include strengthening charter schools and forming a more rigorous teacher evaluation criteria while also making it easier for the state to takeover troubled schools.
What has this bold — but fiscally and politically expensive — experiment with more rigorous teacher evaluation brought us?
Tennessee and Delaware distinguished themselves by committing to bold, comprehensive reforms, such as creating rigorous teacher evaluations tied to student learning and making big changes in failing schools.
Should the state impose more rigorous teacher evaluation standards, perhaps outside of collective bargaining, and should those standards be based substantially on students» standardized test scores?
The paper by National Council on Teacher Quality, a Washington - based think tank that has long advocated for rigorous teacher evaluations, provides an overall look at how states are evaluating teachers and using the results.
She has a history of putting students first and has done just that in her classrooms and also her work with policymakers and stakeholders to «improve student outcomes, create new teaching standards, develop rigorous teacher evaluations, and design authentic, job - embedded professional development for teachers.»
As education reform leaders and unions fight over policies that mandate rigorous teacher evaluations and encourage the growth of charter schools, poor kids are losing out in the most basic of ways — a situation that embeds them deeper in the cycle of poverty.
«In order to ensure we have the best teachers in the classroom, we need a rigorous teacher evaluation system,» Bloomberg said.
«The State Education Department should act with urgency and within the timeline prescribed by the legislature to create a fair and rigorous teacher evaluation system,» said StudentsFirstNY Executive Director Jenny Sedlis.
But anyone who expects the UFT to accept more rigorous teacher evaluations, or to clear a path for firing bad teachers, simply hasn't been paying attention for the past decade.
They implemented a rigorous teacher evaluation system, based on multiple measures of performance.
«While the UFT focuses on political stunts and lobbying to keep bad teachers in the classroom, the mayor, governor, and State Education Department are working collaboratively to implement a rigorous teacher evaluation system that will help ensure our students have the best teachers,» she said in a statement.
Absent persuasive evidence on the impact of efforts to raise the bar, some people have speculated that the rise of test - based accountability associated with NCLB and the ongoing push to establish more - rigorous teacher evaluation systems have made teaching less attractive and thereby contributed to further decline in the quality of the teaching corps.
Partly that's because this is the only part of this waiver process that I find legitimate and legal; the Department of Education has no business demanding that states adopt and implement the Common Core standards or rigorous teacher evaluations.
We need to appreciate his support for quality charter schools, rigorous teacher evaluations, and merit pay.
Mark suggests that the Common Core and rigorous teacher evaluations have potential.
How widespread is teacher opposition to rigorous teacher evaluations, school accountability, teacher pension reform, merit pay, charter schools, school vouchers, and other items on the reform agenda?
It's not just President Obama and Secretary Duncan; all over the country we see state legislators and municipal leaders beginning to challenge the unions and embrace charter schools, rigorous teacher evaluations, even public - sector pension reform.
Indeed, we find that postevaluation improvements in performance were largest for teachers whose performance was weakest prior to evaluation, suggesting that rigorous teacher evaluation may offer a new way to think about teacher professional development.
Research supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has advocated for more rigorous teacher evaluations, suggests that using two evaluators tends to yield more accurate assessments than using one.
On Tuesday, Mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel launched what LA Weekly «s Gene Maddaus is calling a «reboot» of her campaign, delivering a speech with a meaty education section that included strong support for «reform» ideas like charter schools and rigorous teacher evaluations.
The MCEE believes that a more rigorous teacher evaluation system can help transform the culture of Michigan's teaching profession and benefit the state's 1.5 million schoolchildren.
What benefits and pitfalls do teachers perceive when states mandate more rigorous teacher evaluation?
However, there is a growing interest in whether performance - based incentives based on rigorous teacher evaluations can improve teacher retention and performance.
What's surprising in a new survey published today by 50CAN, a reform - oriented advocacy group that supports more rigorous teacher evaluations and early education, is the relatively lukewarm response to some of the most favored ideas for improving the school system among education advocates and many elected officials.
Research supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has advocated for more rigorous teacher evaluations, suggests that two evaluators tend to be more accurate than one.
While education policy pushes toward more rigorous teacher evaluations — without full teacher input — teacher learning will likely be led by collaboration and technology
Speaking of the rest of the state, Timothy Daly, the president of the New Teacher Project, an education reform group that advocates more rigorous teacher evaluations, said, «Many districts appear to have completely botched this.»
In exchange, states were forced to agree to a US DOE school improvement agenda that focused on overhauling low performing schools, adopting more rigorous teacher evaluations and new college and career ready academic standards known as Common Core.
It also appears that the advocates and donors to the governor who praised his call last winter for a more rigorous teacher evaluation system would not criticize him if it were now unwound.
Though Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, offered up $ 1.1 billion in new school aid, he attached strings that could kill the deal for allies of the teachers» unions in the Assembly: a much more rigorous teacher evaluation system to replace the current one, new hurdles for teachers on the path to tenure, and an expansion by 100 of the limit on the number of charter schools statewide.
Helping struggling teachers improve has become a big concern — and a big business — across the country, especially as more states, including New York, introduce more rigorous teacher evaluations.
With a growing body of research showing that teachers are the most important determinant of student achievement, new and more rigorous teacher evaluation systems and policies have been implemented ac... Read More...
Our setting is the Houston Independent School District, which recently implemented a rigorous teacher evaluation system.
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