Sentences with phrase «sacred history»

The methodology itself seems to require such a radical approach: it can not stand still when it scents the operation of man in sacred history.
Connecting this critical moment in sacred history to concerns of the present.
This approach, which is associated with Karl Barth, Jacques Ellul, and Wilhelm Vischer, among others, and which also has certain affinities with the confessional stances of Gerhard van Rad and Brevard Childs, seeks to supplement the historical - critical method by theological exegesis in which the innermost intentions of the author are related to the center and culmination of sacred history mirrored in the Bible, namely, the advent of Jesus Christ.
In Israel's sacred history before the law which begins with the Ten Words is given, an unusual and mysterious episode described in Exodus Nineteen is recounted.
This is the context in which Israel's sacred history asserts that the Ten Commandments are given.
As the human element in sacred history became more and more visible, the hand of God, too, seemed larger and closer.
He argues for the «need to go beyond authorial motivation to theological relation,» i.e., to the Jesus Christ of sacred history who is our ultimate norm in faith and conduct.
The divine liturgy on Earth mirrors the cosmic liturgy in Heaven, even as it recapitulates sacred history.
Nevertheless, Mormons and those who call themselves Mormon Fundamentalists (or FLDS) believe in the same holy texts and the same sacred history.
Most commercially available teas are factory harvested from young sprigs and as such lack any true nutrition, let alone a relationship to the robust and sacred history of tea practice, a sort of communal meditation practice.
What historical criticism can give us concerning the events of sacred history mirrored in the Bible is a knowledge of probability, not certainty.
She spoke of the sacred history of blankets in her tradition, how they were used in ceremonies as regalia, as currency, as gifts to honoured guests, as spiritual coverings, as a rite of passage for a new name or a marriage or a new home or a life - changing event, as anointing of leadership, as covering and protection for those who speak for the people or who share wisdom and spiritual teachings.
The sacred history of redemption is still going on.
As we attempt to reconnect with our own history, which is after all a sacred history as far as the Divine Liturgy is concerned, the value of the Church's liturgical traditions are once again being emphasised not just as expressions of sacredness and beauty in the public work of God, but as the embodiment and carriers of the Church's faith.
Yet we must remember that the Biblical prophet spoke against the sacred history of his time.
For the most part the theologian has accepted the sacred history of his particular community as an inviolable given or as the very foundation of theology itself.
A Kierkegaardian movement of repetition is impossible for a form of faith that is bound to a sacred history of the past, and so likewise the backward movement of recollection must reverse the forward movement of the Incarnation.
Whereas Barth and his followers identify God's work only within the «sacred history... inaccessible to secular historical research and known only by faith,» Cullmann and his followers — among whom are well - known missiologists — view that God's work is discernible in the secular history.
In theology, the narrative form of sacred history, as in Lucan theology, is under attack.
Here is found a nostalgia for a lost paradise, a re-presentation of a sacred history of the past, and a belief in God as the «Unmoved Mover» who is the pure actuality (energeia) of Being.
From this point of view, all priestly or cultic religion, including its Biblical and Christian expressions, is a recollection or re-presentation (anamnesis) of a sacred history of the past.
To do this, we need to go beyond authorial motivation to theological relation Moreover, it is neither the faith of Jesus (as in Ebeling) nor the Christ of faith (as in Bultmann and Tillich) but the Jesus Christ of sacred history that is our ultimate norm in faith and conduct.
Neither author regards the story of the Holocaust as sacred history or martyrology that is exempt from revisions that naturally occur in the light of new evidence and arguments — nor, they point out, have reputable historians treated it as such.
Theologians are recognizing the need for a wider conceptuality which frees theology from the ghetto of sacred history and places it within the whole sweep of human and natural history.
The history we hear outside our sacred history, is the history of faith, mission and hope.
This is an insight that is perhaps best expressed again in the words of Cardinal Ratzinger, this time in 2001 writing in America magazine: «The basic idea of sacred history is that of gathering together, of uniting — uniting human beings in the one body of Christ, the union of human beings and through human beings of all creation with God.
Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe.»
Rational reduction, which Duméry uses to dissipate the reality of the Trinity as constitutive of the being of God, dissipates in the same manner the trinitarian events which constitute the economy and the design of salvation, the actions of sacred history.
Secular history helps us establish dates of importance in sacred history.
The implication of the difference between supernatural belief and natural belief was that the Christian, through the acceptance of a supernatural revelation by an act of supernatural faith and through baptism, was incorporated into a sacred society called the Church which had a sacred history.
It's a return to the riches of our sacred history that should be familiar to the Christian historian, for it recalls a major watchword of the Renaissance and Reformation: recursus ad fontes, «Back to the sources.»
Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and / or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.
There's a near - sacred history in Hollywood of non-U.S. - born directors providing fresh perspectives on America.
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