Sentences with phrase «sequence of exercises»

When you train, you should be doing a specific sequence of exercises, lifting weight and having a goal - specific work - rest structure.
You'll go through the following sequence of exercises six times.
The lead author of the paper eventually concluded, «There is very little evidence to suggest that any specific sequence of exercise strength gains or muscular hypertrophy.»
In fact, all of our theories about the perfect sequence of exercise lack any serious scientific evidence to back them up so maybe we should focus a lot more on form and volume than the exact order of exercises in our training routines.
A carefully constructed sequence of exercises to teach students how to write chemical formulae.
Carefully organized sequences of exercises, including Classification, True / False, Analogies, and Absurdity that emphasize reasoning and critical thinking
Set your timer for 15 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following sequence of exercises 3 times:
The principle of combining the exercises is the same as with supersets, hitting the opposing muscle groups with a sequence of exercises.
Strength training is all about progressions, that is, a sequence of exercises that get progressively more difficult until you reach your goal.
Those who go through the same motions every day in this fashion can leave the surface of the sequence of exercises and pay closer attention to performing them with precision.
The sequence of exercises will allow you to effectively train the muscles antagonists — biceps and triceps.
Set your timer for 16 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and then go through this sequence of exercises 4 times.
also if i can change the sequence of the exercises?
In this webinar, I'll walk participants through a sequence of exercises to help them map out the elements of their professional and personal life that are the most motivating, energizing, and inspiring — and use those data points as a springboard to craft a personalized career vision to help them map what's next.
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