Sentences with phrase «shock to the system»

A good shock to the system for growth is doing something different like a full - body routine once a week.
For me, this was the biggest shock to the system even over the loss of all sleep.
She ran a little fever in response to the anesthesia and the incredible shock to her system from having her face taken off.
It doesn't try to be anything but what it is and that is an absolute shock to the system.
The cooler weather today was a total shock to the system and this would have been fabulous to warm up with coming home for dinner.
She's always been such a good sleeper, I'm afraid this will be a huge shock to her system, and will not be enough sleep.
The key, he says, is to pick businesses that can withstand shocks to the system.
So the phenomenon of shadow banking — the practice of unregulated lending by banks and finance companies — can pose a major shock to the system.
They visit quite often, so it wasn't a complete shock to his system.
When water that we assume to be warm or lukewarm turns out to be cold, it can be an unpleasant shock to our system.
The last few days have been a cold shock to the system (to say the least).
Stocks on the other hand should do well, once the initial shock to the system is absorbed.
I received two shocks to the system today with games I have loved for years.
I would like to think that recent shocks to the system would have been enough to shift the balance from spending to savings, from buying to creating.
And no one is sure when the market will pick up again, especially as each week seems to bring a new shock to the system.
Eating large amounts of carbohydrate and fat rich food over a short period of time is a big shock to your system.
That it actually found a publisher, some basic PR support, and console releases is an absolute shock to the system.
I guess it's that «eureka» feeling of shock to the system, that BOLTS you into action when you get under the ICE COLD Water..
As shocks to the system go, discovering evidence for God might be the biggest.
U does have an uneven difficulty curve, which, while never causing it to be any less fun, means there can be a level that is a real shock to the system in terms of its difficulty in one instance, and then the next one can then prove to be like a walk in the park in comparison, albeit a walk in the park with a lot of manic jumping.
The massive scale of the iceberg gives scientists a wide latitude to monitor how species and ocean currents respond to a strong shock to a system after eons of stability.
The 1987 crash, he says, was more like «a bad day at the office; it came and went so fast... The bounce - back was quick, but it was a real shock to the system that that could happen.»
For example, when you're moving from bulking to cutting, you don't want a sudden shock to your system by going down in calorie consumption.
Sudden shocks to the system such as volcanic events will take more time to be neutralised.
«It seems that some sort of external shock to the system is necessary to level the ground for an unexpected upset,» said Richard Flanagan, a political science professor at the College of Staten Island, citing how 9/11 upended the 2001 mayoral race in Bloomberg's favor.
«To find any parallel in the earth's history you would have to look to a sudden violent shock to the system far in the geologic past.»
I've not been to Stockholm myself though have heard about the cost being a massive shock to the system!
Large shocks to the system tend to have a resetting effect, throwing hitherto rock - solid asset price correlations in disarray and reversing long - running trends.»
He prescribes a short, sharp shock to your system to convince you to step back, according to management guru and Stanford professor Bob Sutton, who positively reviewed the book on his blog recently, praising its evidence - based approach.
Probably after there is a financial shock to the system that reverses market mania.
The precision with which the visiting Hammers had punished Town had been a tremendous shock to the system, but nevertheless the home side kept pushing forward in search of that elusive glimmer of hope to spark an unlikely comeback.
Assemblyman Robin Schimminger (D - Buffalo) said the prospect of someone sipping beer or wine next to unsuspecting teetotallers in a movie theater could be an unwelcome shock to the system.
Even though these «outside shocks to the system,» as Kennedy calls them, play a strong role in determining crime rates, recent research has teased out some links between the overall economy and crime.
Who was an absolute shock to the system!!
It was a no - nonsense 85 - minute shock to the system about a couple, played by Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman, who find themselves tormented by three masked killers.
He still plays Metal Gear Solid 5 at least once a week, and Survive has been an interesting shock to the system for him.
The progressivism here is instead rooted in futility and despair, which provides much more of a valuable shock to the system.
It won't be a dramatic shock to your system, then, to see that «Invincible,» the tale of an average Joe... or, in this case, an average Vince... who becomes an unlikely football hero, was produced by the same folks who were behind «The Rookie» (Mark Ciardi and Gordon Gray).
Best - case scenario: Fans of gory foreign imports glom on to this extremely accomplished thriller, which delivers the requisite shocks to the system while retaining a detached, sardonic edge.
It's that kind of cool, confident filmmaking that makes If There's a Hell Below a highly entertaining shock to the system, a thriller that shows how a skillful hand can make all the difference between a good film and a great one.
That way it isn't a huge shock to the system on how the car behaves when you get to Le Mans and the Test Day.
Many pointed out that publishing, fortunately, is an industry that reflects in its very products the human impulses and emotional contexts that lie behind and under our geopolitical shifts, although it can't necessarily take away shocks to the system.
If we get a second shock to the system like September 11, it could derail where it's going.»

Phrases with «shock to the system»

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