Sentences with phrase «significance of this»

The purpose of this document is not to emphasize faults or support fault judging, but to assist judges in assessing the degree of significance of faults listed in the breed standard.
But in our rush to admire, there's a risk we overlook the wider cultural significance of what is going on.
Analysis of variance was used to test the statistical significance of differences in the carbon - to - heat - content ratios across coal rank and across State of origin within coal rank.
Your culinary adventure teaches more than cooking skills, you'll also discover the rich history and cultural significance of food in Balinese society.
The work will relate to each student's personal statement while examining the historical significance of art.
It is a radical experiment in the nature of the atmosphere, the complete significance of which is hard to predict.
There are, of course, legitimate questions regarding the true significance of AI and its many components.
The potential clinical significance of the bacteria needs to studied, and any public health impacts understood, he added.
Throughout his career, he has been fascinated by the religious significance of new developments in science and technology, especially when they challenge the way we see our own humanity.
As he came to understand the grim significance of climate change and what it would mean for future generations, he saw no choice but to speak out.
When it comes to assessing the relative worth or significance of lives, our culture seems both hesitant and confused.
When testing the statistical significance of differences between sectors, however, we take into account the full distribution of responses across all options.
His sculptures and installations explore the function and significance of time and space.
Many years past when we did not understand the full significance of pain management in rabbits, they would often survive a surgical procedure, only to die within the next 36 hours.
The political significance of a major economic crisis or significant economic decline is hard to predict with certainty.
It will be accompanied by a symposium on the social significance of art.
Two reports, with data that could not be combined, assessed the association of food industry sponsorship and the statistical significance of research results; neither found an association.
The campaign is aiming to highlight the political and spiritual significance of prayer and fasting as a powerful platform for change.
The author of this study indicated that «The practical significance of these changes should be seen within the context that thousands of babies undergo this exposure yearly without reported clinical effects».
Recent awards and associated litigation have highlighted the increasing significance of corruption in international arbitration.
The ceremonies and rituals associated with them help reveal the deeper significance of many everyday occurrences.
Your guide will explain the historical significance of all the most important sites before leaving you to enjoy the ruins on your own until 3 pm.
Instead, we had an awkward but important conversation about the historic significance of the word.
We'll bring you up to speed on the latest developments — with an update on cases concerning the law of accommodation and on the emerging significance of family status as a protected ground.
One of these was over the relative significance of research and clinical efforts in the development of the manual.
If the system is law, (2) becomes «what is the legal significance of what happened».
Each area of the course builds knowledge in all these areas and helps to create a greater and comprehensive understanding of the long term significance of positive touch and responsive parenting.
The pupils learn about the symbolic significance of the lion as well as scientific details.
The importance and significance of writing a dissertation proposal can not be challenged by the students at any situation.
Even if we allow for some margin of error in this prediction, we should expect a radical change in the social significance of work.
The biological significance of chemical differences in bile salts.
After becoming Climate Reality Leaders, they helped train their staff to understand the global significance of creating a renewable energy transformation.
I hope you can appreciate the profound significance of what you just read.
The same could be said for the ethical significance of history.
I believe people today are fully capable of being taught from Scripture the beautiful significance of baptism for believers.
We have seen the growing significance of mobile learning in today's corporate training world.
A comprehensive parenting plan also considers the diversity and significance of various parenting issues.
Understanding the context and significance of events is important, she adds, but students still should commit certain dates to memory.
The broader significance of the chapter lies in whatever light it throws on the psychological understanding of authoritarian religion in general.

Phrases with «significance of this»

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