Sentences with phrase «significance test»

A significance test is a statistical method used to determine if a result or observation is meaningful or simply due to random chance. It helps us understand if an outcome is significant or noteworthy by comparing it to a certain threshold or standard. Full definition
A while back I looked at a comparable issue in terms of significance testing.
To answer your question: it can't be called «true signal» if it fails statistical significance tests.
The whole null hypothesis significance testing approach to risks of this sort is silly and misleading.
Authors suggest treating significant results in secondary outcomes with caution because of the risk of type I errors from multiple significance testing.
They want merely to see the correlation (and ignore any correlation significance tests).
That's why everyone does significance testing — which is the issue that M&M were addressing, not that MBH98 detected a «significant» correlation between a stationary noise process and a non-stationary deterministic signal, but that the chance of the algorithm doing so was underestimated.
«It is a safe bet that people have suffered or died because scientists (and editors, regulators, journalists and others) have used significance tests to interpret results,» Rothman wrote.
A reader recently asked my opinion about this post at Skeptical Science, which is a comment on Ambaum 2010, Significance Tests in Climate Science, J. Climate, doi: 10.1175 / 2010JCLI3746.1.
«Other suggestions, such as eliminating significance testing all together, justifying α, incorporating bayesian reasoning, more replication, etc. would be very welcome improvements, too,» Nosek says.
Scientist A conducts an experiment which yields results that meet a basic significance test.
Readers need not get caught up in more - complicated analyses, such as significance testing, effect sizes, and even regression - statistical methods that Raymond and Hanushek criticize us for not using.
Significance tests showed that TOSRA scores increased for students collectively, and Figure 2 presents changes in scores over time by gender.
Early segments of the MBH reconstruction fail verification significance tests, a finding later confirmed by Wahl and Ammann and accepted by the NAS Panel.
Streamflow trends were statistically determined for each station using the Mann - Kendall nonparametric test at a 10 % significant level, combined with a field significance test.
(The convention for most significance tests is 95 % confidence.)
Significance test results for treatment, generation point and their interaction based on a two - way ANOVA.
I have done similar significance tests with data and obtained similar results that there has been no statistically significant increase in global temperature regressing time against temperature.
The material contribution test may be a rare beast which has never actually been sighted at the Supreme Court of Canada, but its distant cousin, the causative significance test, appears to have paid a visit, albeit outside the context of tort law.
The means, standard deviations, and Pearson correlations (evaluated with two - tailed significance tests) among the study's main variables are presented in Table 1.
Below, I've shown the detail behind the summary above, all using data and significance tests from he NAEP Data Explorer.
... It is a safe bet that people have suffered or died because scientists (and editors, regulators, journalists and others) have used significance tests to interpret results, and have consequently failed to identify the most beneficial courses of action.»
I agree with some of your points but, regarding null hypothesis significance testing, we're talking about datasets which we believe, a priori, will not demonstrate significance according to standard detection methods even in the presence of a trend.
Improved clients» email campaign performance with effectively adopting GLM models and significance tests in SAS on the campaign offers and audience clusters;
Update 22 Aug 2010: Additional significance tests that we have performed indicate that the NH land + ocean Had reconstruction with all tree - ring data and 7 potential «problem» proxies removed (see original Supp Info where this reconstruction is shown) yields a reconstruction that passes RE at just below the 95 % level (approximately 94 % level) back to AD 1300 and the 90 % level back to AD 1100 (they pass CE at similar respective levels).
Owing to the high number of significance tests, the significance level was set to 1 % (Wald test).
I have advocated before that one way to mitigate problems with null - hypothesis significance testing is for editors of scientific journals to employ «results blind» decision making in determining whether to publish and make it be known that they are doing so.
All significance tests were two - tailed, and the level of significance was set at 5 percent.
(By contrast, Amrein and Berliner did no significance testing whatsoever, neglecting one of the oldest and most basic tools of social - science research.)
Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures.
The centered PCA is bad statistics, and just because no single significance test is objectively the best in all circumstances does not mean that you can cherry pick significance tests until you find one you like and ignore R2.
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