Sentences with phrase «small discussion groups»

Instead, the crowd broke into smaller discussion groups to identify concerns about standardized testing.
I would go for my very small discussion group, then leave, instead of staying for the worship service.
The plan has a community component, and included small discussion groups where people could share challenges and successes, swap recipes and exercise ideas, and share meals together.
Small discussion groups helped parents sort through other challenges and possible solutions.
Misleading Uses Of Scripture Th is impression is reinforced by some diocesan schemes designed for use by small discussion groups in parishes, which encourage debate about scriptural passages without any doctrinal framework or guidance.
At the request of Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen designed a lifestyle change program built into thousands of small discussion groups that were already present in this megachurch.
Collaborative Office Rounds (COR) support small discussion groups that meet regularly over sustained periods to address the mental health aspects of pediatric care.
Research on effective whole - class discussions (Nathan & Knuth, 2003), questioning (Piccolo et al., 2008), and implementing effective small discussion groups (Elbers, 2003; Kazemi & Franke, 2004; Webb, 1991; Webb, Nemer, & Ing, 2006) may be transferred to teacher education.
The program includes an intensive case study: students and families are split into small discussion groups with admissions officers, who take participants through three applications, coaching the group as if it were a real admissions committee.
Pam — Guided reading groups (or any kind of small discussion group) can certainly be used with common core, but I suspect that the nature of such groups will change.
Whenever we break into small discussion groups, the first prompt is always an SEL question, usually one I've secretly adapted from «The 36 Questions That Lead to Love.»
I have taken part in gatherings solely of men — small discussion groups.
We need to have smaller discussion groups, but neither of us have time to draft and train our colleagues about discussions.
The current program consists of three major components: review of ethical guidelines, instruction in data management, and case studies in small discussion groups.
Then divide students into small discussion groups.
The program is a mix of formal sessions led by faculty and smaller discussion groups that occur daily where library leaders can dive into issues they are facing at their home institutions, while learning from the unique perspectives of other librarian leaders with similar challenges.
I'm from a land grant research university, but I also had leaders from a private for - profit institution, a historically black university, and a graduate - only institution as part of my small discussion group.
I appreciated your suggestions about using consistent, smaller discussion groups.
After a presentation by the plan's architects and questions from the audience, residents were split up into small discussion groups, in which everyone was encouraged to contribute their thoughts on the plan.
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