Sentences with phrase «social sin»

From this point of view original sin might more accurately be described as social sin or, in biblical terms, the sin of the world.
Groups, too, are threatened by collective insecurity and commit social sin by striving to become collectively self - sufficient and self - important.
Niebuhr's analysis of social sin in Moral Man and Immoral Society prepares us for the concept in liberation theology of «systemic evil.»
It is definitely social sin in the light of Christ the Savior.
So Isaiah, when Judah lay desolate, saw in the disaster not disaster only but penalty for social sin, because of which «the anger of Yahweh» was «kindled against his people.»
Whether it is the debate surrounding gay «marriage,» «women's health,» or another issue, discrimination is viewed as the great social sin of the twenty - first century.
A Jesus school of spirituality would inspire forms of asceticism and mystical experience in the search for the kingdom of God within human society that always has strong elements of sinfulness including social sin.
7 But if these particular strayings from the straight and narrow path seem to have taken up an inordinate amount of the energy of Mather and his colleagues, they were aware of and frequently reproved the deeper social sins of absorption in the pursuit of private gain and lack of charity to one's brothers.
The effects of this we shall note repeatedly as we look more precisely at social sin and hence at the need of enlightened and loving social action.
It is corporate social sin, by great groups of persons against great groups of persons, that causes the most serious evil consequences and is hardest to reckon with.
Even when discussing social sin, however, John Paul II returns always to the individual person, who is asked to accept individual responsibility to change what can be changed.
The more social sins (pride, envy, lust, wrath) recruit the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), brain terrain just behind the forehead, which helps shape the awareness of self.
A redeemed society is one redeemed inwardly and outwardly, purged of personal sin and freed from the crippling and corrupting effects of social sin.
This point overlaps with the explanation of original and social sin in chapter two.
Local loyalty apart from, and over against, the whole body of Christ, Christ himself condemns as social sin.
It must help conspicuously to defeat envy, the greatest of the social sins (worse even than hatred, because more often invisible, and itself one of the causes of hatred).
Alcoholism is a social sin.
Walter Rauschenbusch, a Baptist pastor in a New York slum, urged the church to take «social sins» as seriously as they took individual vices.
We are confronting a social sin, and the problem and its possible solutions can not be addressed apart from the larger issues.
Therefore a «collective penance is required for the social sins that have damaged human lives so much and for so long».
No progress «apart from the conquest of personal and social sin
Apart from the assertion that socioeconomic and political structures transmit the effects of pride and sloth to successive generations, there is no investigation of the differences and connections between individual and social sin.
There has been, for example, a growth in grace in this respect in the modern Church's understanding of social sin.
This can be said without mention of sin, but when the forces of acquisitive self - interest, insistent determination to dominate others, and a deadly moral dullness are added to these other complicating factors, the result is a mixture of social evil and social sin in which no Utopia, either now or later, is attainable.
Shutting out persons or peoples in any place where public communication should be unrestricted is another form of social sin.
Jesus Christ as the coming of God's holy, universal, ever - faithful love into a genuine human being also shows us our social sins.
It is interesting how clearly the prophets saw the relation to each other of power, pride, and injustice; and how unfailingly they combined their strictures against the religious sin of pride and the social sin of injustice.
First Things often confronts «social sin» (for example, relationships between human communities that are not in accordance with God's plan and for which responsibility can not necessarily be attributed to an individual).
«The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers.»
Mahatma Gandhi, for example, preached on the seven social sins:
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