Sentences with phrase «something sweet»

I usually have a craving for something sweet after dinner, but have noticed that when I have sweet potatoes, I usually don't reach for a dessert after my meal.
If you are planning on staying in, why not make something sweet for your sweetheart.
You might be really craving something sweet like a chocolate chip cookie, or maybe it's something greasy and fried.
If you want something sweet for dessert, low - fructose fruits and dark chocolate are healthy choices.
My child does not like very many vegetables, so I usually have to mix them with something sweet like applesauce.
I can't, simply can not not have a little something sweet with my coffee, and it isn't always that little either.
But do the developers have any plan of giving us the sweet fruits for waiting?
I need me a sweet little bag like that.
Who among us doesn't like something sweet with our tea or coffee?
You making these made my holiday, thank you sweet friend!
My husband wanted something sweet after dinner and I had been eyeing this one for a while - quick and easy and I had everything on hand.
I had a habit of eating something sweet after every meal, and craving baked goods pretty much all the time.
I genuinely appreciate you're well wishes on healing, and hope the same for you sweet friend after hearing about your concussion!
You just keep giving, don't you sweet friend?
Using ripe bananas keeps them sweet without using much added sweetener.
Basically I had to double the amount of sugar I used to get it sweet enough for me.
The banana made it sweet enough so didn't even need the added sugar of honey or maple syrup!
This looks so good, but I haven't been able to bring myself to try avocado in something sweet.
I prefer something sweeter so I may just add the banana in!
Thanks for you sweet comment on my blog... I'm happy to follow your blog!
If you'll be spending time on a plane, train, or automobile this holiday season, the following sequence will bring you sweet relief after hours spent sitting.
A really lovely biscuit to satisfy the craving for something sweet without having to eat 20 of them!
In my experience, it was the best desk - side treat whenever I wanted to snack on something sweet and keep myself occupied as I worked.
This recipe uses bananas and dates to make it sweet so you get all the fiber and the sweetness.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me the sweet comment on my blog!
Basically, the dates and bananas keep it sweet as much as they keep it moist.
Hold on, you telling me sweet potatoes contain more calcium than milk?
There's just something sweet about those family portraits.
I add some honey and almond milk, and they taste awesome plus they are calming if you want something sweet at night... or in the morning.
I guess you could say it's almost therapeutic for me, and of course I love to eat and who doesn't love something sweet!
I left out the date because I've been finding it sweet enough with the protein powder.
I call it the sweet spot, because there is very little movement, which means more comfort when it comes to breastfeeding.
Now I always buy two bananas at the store, just in case the need for something sweet strikes.
You have to continue sending them sweet and romantic messages.
I'm a relative newcomer to slow cooking so have yet to try something sweet in it.
She always included something sweet and something crunchy... In this case, we have cranberries and apples, along with celery and pecans.
If we give them sweet potatoes and chicken, they will find that delicious, satisfying, and normal.
Desserts your grandmother would prepare with nothing on her mind but creating something sweet to share.
Pottery Barn is totally giving us a sweet summer deal with 70 % off select pieces!
This made me so happy to read, thank you for making these and leaving me this sweet note too!
I love it and I love that he took note of it and went back to get me a sweet surprise.
Just show me my sweet baby, and let me know when I can take her home to her sisters.
The second plans offers unlimited text, voice calls and data making it a sweet deal for those who don't mind about the reduced speed but gets the job done at affordable rates.
I also think that you are training your body to expect something sweet when you continue to eat artificial sweeteners.
But will if ya a sweet young gentleman,, Try to ask me ya never know.
I have this urge to fight back but instead I just give them my sweetest most sarcastic smile.
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