Sentences with phrase «sort of talk»

I would ask you to sort of talk about it in terms of personal... giving individual rights.
I guess I am more comfortable sort of talking to myself in my own home.
You haven't actually used the word «rural,» but you're sort of talking about that.
We're very happy Cuomo is sort of talking like one of us, but do any of his proposals spell a tax DECREASE for you?
«Unless you raise enough to get the message out, you're just sort of talking to yourself.»
We do see brutality and we know that Candie is a rancid villain, but everything else is sort of talked around or, uncomfortably, treated as commonplace given the context.
I've seen articles where people sort of talk about how to light people of color, and to me, the first thing I say is, people have such different skin tonalities.
We're always sort of talking to developers and sort of seeing what they want to do, and if they think there's an opportunity there, is it something we can help with.
I think something interesting about your mirror - tocrcy point, to sort of talk about what's good and what's bad, I mean what we're seeing there is, to me, the shadow side of Silicon Valley's great strength, which is the networks.
«No truth, not even any sort of talks», said John Connolly, a spokesman for the company in Australia.
«Until we get better information into the public discourse about how these platforms are shaping the information environments that they control, we are sort of talking about policy options in the dark.»
This sort of talk has drawn some attention our way, particularly to our Peter Lawler's essays.
To encourage an essentially theological discussion with parishioners not given to that sort of talk, I base my questions in guided interviews upon crises experienced by the informants.
But that sort of talk is no help to me.
This sort of talk may be fun but is unrelated to the real needs of Christians in Britain today: celebrating Easter isn't a hate - crime and there are no plans to make it so.
(And it is necessary to note that capital - D Democratic TALK is more in harmony with that sort of talk, and necessary to reflect on what the actual electoral consequences of that illusory spiritual harmony might be.
But as Peter rightly says, perhaps too many Porchers are attracted to the delights of literary politics to give up that sort of talk.
This sort of talk isn't just problematic.
This sort of talk incenses many other Jews.
I remarked that this sort of talk has got to be most disheartening to nations struggling to achieve what the speaker just called a myth.
With that sort of talk, u would've had a good chance at working for arsenal a few years ago but not now buddy.
«You hear all sorts of talk about her going to Stanford,» he says.
And while Beal backed up that sort of talk, scoring 36 points, Wall was not at his peak.
ELIZABETH MYLER: Especially the older baby, this is a relationship and there's sort of talking to you as they're coming on and off in many cases.
Children of this age don't really have a grasp of what «soon» is but this sort of talk might just persuade your child that you haven't in fact moved into the hospital permanently.
Old political hands will know where that sort of talk leads.
For his part, Andrew Cuomo hates this sort of talk.
12:14 - That last line is unhelpful to the PM, he should have avoided that sort of talk but he seemed to slip into it.
This sort of talk about immigrants has become more and more acceptable, but we would do well to remind ourselves that it is not acceptable to use animal or geographic metaphors about immigrants.
(The Hollywood Reporter is writing that the looks will symbolize gender inequality as well: «There was discussion of crafting some sort of talking points.»)
Far more than in their scripts for «Legally Blonde» and «10 Things That I Hate About You,» screenwriters Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith reveal a precise ear for dialogue that turns words back on themselves, and especially the sort of talk that young women say to one another in private: In perfect Shelley - talk, she exclaims, «My heart is pounding like a nail!»
The other two forms of isolation were professional, which we sort of talked about in terms of teachers not welcoming them as part of the team, not sharing resources, advice, etcetera.
You don't like to go to sleep, and every night she has to sort of talk you into it all over again.
So, that's where we sort of talk about then, you know, how stable is your job?
All credit to you because you sort of talked us into it, against my uncertainties.
We're jam - packed with all sorts of talk this week.
But we've heard this sort of talk before - are Microsoft ready to back it up?
Now I know you're just kidding because this place has always been plagued by that sort of talk, whether it increased or not needs to be researched.
While I wasn't blown away by the gameplay either, it's interesting to see that sort of talk online considering how well these games sell year after year.
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