Sentences with phrase «statistical approach»

Without the benefit of random assignment, we used a variety of statistical approaches to determine the program's impact on student achievement immediately after its launch.
Once the presence of a unit root is known in the time series data set, one knows which is the correct statistical approach.
In any case, I expect more papers in the near future using various statistical approaches.
If the relationship is not linear over the training period, a variety of objective statistical approaches can be used to describe a more complicated relationship than a linear one.
Their research documented an array of statistical approaches that can be used to analyze assessment data and discussed the benefits and limitations of each model.
Of course, people use statistical approaches to determine what counts as refutation, but again I'll not go into it.
He and his colleagues developed statistical approaches for cancer classification, diagnosis, and prognosis, and applied them to the study of of metastasis, cancer progression, and tumor heterogeneity.
To improve on that, Dee and his colleagues used a computerised statistical approach known as Bayesian modelling.
This year we are pleased to present the Nan Tobler Award for Review of the Prevention Science Literature to Dr. David MacKinnon, Foundation Professor, Arizona State University for his body of work in statistical approaches to mediation analysis.
Quality control is typically associated with statistical approaches.
Shmulevich and his colleagues also have developed statistical approaches to cancer classification, diagnosis and prognosis and have applied these approaches to the study of metastasis, cancer progression and tumor heterogeneity.
Using a Bayesian statistical approach, this study concluded that
The fascinating ELS project of taking statistical approaches to legal data (see e.g. here) as a way of approaching the system overlaps a bit on what RRH is pursuing in its work.
The groups used different statistical approaches to subtract out the gamma - ray emission from normal astrophysical sources such as pulsars and supernovae to hunt for a dark matter signal, and each arrived at the same conclusion — that any gamma - ray light coming from dark matter must be generated by a relatively heavy particle.
Brian Gerber of Colorado State University and William Kendall of the U. S. Geological Survey assessed whether the annual population changes reported by these moving averages were realistic, based on what is known about crane demographics, and how they compared to the results of a more sophisticated statistical approach called a hierarchical Bayesian time series model.
Hawkins et al. (APPOSITE Project), 4.1 ± 0.8 (5 - 95 % range), Statistical Used three simple statistical approaches based on September extent data.
Stanley W. K. Ng, a senior PhD candidate in the lab of Dr. Peter Zandstra at the Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto and co-lead author of the paper, used rigorous statistical approaches to develop and test the new «stemness score,» using AML patient data provided by the Princess Margaret leukemia clinic and collaborators in the United States and Europe.
In my August 2006 column, I described how statistical approaches to tasks like automatic language translation seem to be working better than compact, precise ones.
Although value - added is one of the more advanced statistical approaches, researchers have raised concerns about its reliability, as well as potential unintended consequences, such as demoralizing teachers and placing greater emphasis on standardized tests.
In an EdSource blog post, Arun Ramanathan, CEO of Pivot Learning Partners, suggests that like the innovative statistical approaches used to measure success in baseball, educators should broaden the measures they use in order to paint a more complete picture of student performance.
Update 16 January 2013: As hinted at in the discussion, at the time this was published we had already performed an analysis of worldwide temperature records which confirms that our simple statistical approach works well.
Combined, the results of all four statistical approaches yield a defensible, compelling argument that there is no significant correlation between dissolved methane concentrations in groundwater and proximity to nearby oil / gas wells.»
In a new analysis, reported last month in a paper accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, researchers take an extremely statistical approach to considering any given planetary candidate — averaging out errors from the entire span of the Kepler mission, and from every instrument in aggregate.
By using their more powerful statistical approach, the researchers found clusters of mechanistically related genes where previous studies had merely suggested a few isolated SNPs.
Using multiple statistical approaches to study a long - term pediatric cohort in Nicaragua, we show that risk of severe dengue disease is highest within a narrow range of preexisting anti-DENV antibody titers.
To improve accuracy, some translation efforts, including SpeachGear's, are merging statistical approaches with rule - based systems.
«Our study shows how application of interdisciplinary statistical approaches, coupled with informed models of collective motion can help extract useful biological information about social interactions in schools of fish.
These methods make use of modelling of the 3D structures of proteins and their ligands, and of original statistical approaches to the increasing amount of data on structures and interactions (Figure 1).
We present a unified statistical approach to deformation - based morphometry applied to the cortical surface.
I think being at this point in player counts, where those purely statistical approaches huge games use start to break down, actually makes for a more interesting set of problems and potential solutions!
There is an important distinction between this careful statistical approach, and the selective cherry picking that is often used by contrarian commentators to misrepresent the available evidence.
We probed the data using several statistical approaches and came up with the same result.
Getting past the insults and accusations and (ultimately useful) fights over statistical approaches to studying climate trends in regions (or eras) with sparse data, it's clear to me that this is an area where science will out, in the end.
Quality control of the data using a two - step semi-automatic statistical approach identified 3.5 % of observations that required correction or removal, on par with previous data rescue efforts.
The research for this highly regarded statistical approach, funded by the National Science Foundation, highlighted sCast's linkage between snow cover in Siberia and U.S. winter temperatures.
Our process - based, statistical approach gives skewed and complex probability distributions (single mode, 10 cm, at 2100; two modes, 49 cm and 6 cm, at 2200).
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