Sentences with phrase «structural biology»

Structural biology refers to studying the shapes and structures of molecules, particularly proteins and nucleic acids, to understand how they function in living organisms. It aims to uncover the 3D arrangement of these molecules, providing insights into their roles in important biological processes. Full definition
The real pull, however, was the precision and physicality of structural biology.
«After that, I was determined to continue my studies in structural biology,» he says.
The de facto approach to data management for structural biology is, with a few exceptions, every lab to itself.
She uses structural biology to look at these antibodies and then she uses what she's learned from structures to design better ones.
Since it clumps together, standard structural biology techniques can not be used to study it.
The portal technology they developed can now be extended to other structural biology applications that require massive computational resources.
His interest went beyond that of a student learning structural biology.
«We're bringing structural biology in to personalized medicine,» he says.
«That was really a fun way to expand our thinking about RNA structural biology in the world of proteins,» she says.
It is recognised for excellence in structural biology, biochemistry, developmental biology, cell biology, and computational biology.
Meanwhile, on the floor just below him, Ernest Laue, a professor of structural biology at Cambridge, had a similar notion.
As for IVMS, «they have a direct contact with [the] scientists [who] are running the facilities» for structural biology research, he says.
The missions of the BMS RIs stretch from structural biology of specific biomolecules to clinical trials involving thousands of human patients
The Structural Parasitology group works on structural biology of proteins from malaria pathogens as well as other protozoan parasites.
LiWang's structural biology lab uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the parent technology for MRI, to study the protein structure and dynamics of biological molecules and then uses the structures to gain insights into their function.
Professor Wilkinson's group uses structural biology as a key tool to dissect structure and mechanism in proteins.
SBGrid has provided scientific software support to the research institutions, laboratories, and groups within the global structural biology community for more than a decade.
The work, which combines the static snapshot - oriented techniques of structural biology with the dynamic live imaging of single molecule fluorescence, provides a view, for the first time, of a protein cruising inside the microtubule lumen.
The agency has been «a real pioneer in federal funding of bioinformatics research,» says Michael Levitt, chair of computational structural biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine.
Eaton E. Lattman, a professor in Buffalo's structural biology department and medical school and chief executive officer of the Hauptman - Woodward Medical Research Institute, will be director of the BioXFEL center.
X-probe is a cross-disciplinary and intersectorial Marie Curie Initial Training Network that aims to train ESRs in the cutting edge interface between structural biology and X-ray physics.
«This is why we are really committed to using integrated structural biology methods.»
From the onset the JCSG has been committed to the development of new technologies and methodologies that facilitate high throughput structural biology and push frontiers of structural genomics.
«At the time, there were rapidly evolving techniques and there was a need for someone who could bridge between the hardware, software and knowledge of structural biology methods to put things together,» says Sliz, who also collaborated with Walz on solving the clathrin lattice, with Stephen Blacklow on the Notch complex and with Suzanne Walker on o - GlcNAc transferase (OGT).
«This is the first comprehensive look at how HIV interacts globally with components of the cell,» said Judith H. Greenberg, PhD, acting director of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partially supported this research through its AIDS - related structural biology program.
In addition, application of his personalized structural biology approach has revealed insights into how EGFR mutations influence cancer progression, recurrence and drug resistance.
Though Corbett was inspired to study structural biology at Harvard, he ended up at the University of California, Berkeley, for graduate school and joined the lab of James Berger.
Using a robotic structural biology facility at Stony Brook and resources at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Dr. Seeliger and Zach Foda, an MD / PhD candidate and student in Dr. Seeliger's laboratory, determined the three - dimensional structure of the inhibitor compound and how it is bound to the IDE.
These insights are intriguing on their own, but when the scientists examined the structure of the nanosheets» backbone, they were surprised to see a design rule not found in the field of protein structural biology.
Picture of ID23 - 1, one of the ESRF structural biology beamlines where the experiments were carried out.
She moved to Oxford in 2012 to work at the SGC, initially working in Alex Bullock's Growth Factor Signalling group to study E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes, and subsequently joining Stefan Knapp's kinase team to focus on kinase structural biology and inhibitor discovery.
He first encountered structural biology there during studies of the pathogen Trypanosoma.
Her desire to understand the mechanisms underlying the chemical reactions she was studying led her to pursue structural biology as a Harvard graduate student in the lab of William Lippscomb, winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
The introduction of increasingly powerful structural biology approaches has allowed researchers to characterize the structures of mutant proteins involved in cancer, such as RAS, and other molecules in greater detail than had been possible previously.
Generating this map would not have been feasible using standard structural biology techniques.
The Institute for Structural Biology (STB) investigates the spatial structures of biological macromolecules, their molecular interactions and dynamics using integrated structural biology by combining X-ray crystallography, NMR - spectroscopy and other methods.
Taking a structure - function approach that combines structural biology, genetics, proteomics and transcriptomics, we are addressing how germ granules form and function.
iNEXT is a consortium funded by the Horizon2020 programme to offer European researchers access to a wide range of advanced structural biology technologies, including X-ray technologies, NMR spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy and Biophysics, in large European infrastructures.
Takagi is an expert of structural biology who studies the physical conformations of receptors upon binding to their ligands.
«Cryo - EM has revolutionized structural biology, particularly in the last three years, with the invention of new kinds of electron detectors for the microscope,» says Michael Rossmann, a physicist and microbiologist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., and a coauthor of the Zika mapping study.
«Using structural biology technigues and rational design synthetic chemistry, SR10171 was constructed to engage the PPARγ protein in a unique way possessing an optimal balance with the receptor's other family member, PPARa, to treat diabetes and, at the same time, improve bone health,» Griffin said.
Through several years of laborious structural biology to figure out the specific shapes of the molecules involved, the research team has mapped out the structure and function of a protein called RepA, which is crucial to the plasmids» ability to copy its DNA and make a new plasmid.
Leemor Joshua - Tor Structural biology; nucleic acid regulation; RNAi; molecular recognition; X-ray crystallography
A team at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) led by Professor and HHMI Investigator Leemor Joshua - Tor of the W. M. Keck structural biology laboratory today publishes a paper in the journal Cell Reports that defines the critical differences between the human Argonautes that lead to their differences in activity.
It holds great promise for bridging the gap between molecular and cellular structural biology.
As a postdoc at the Stanford lab of Brian Kobilka, Granier came face - to - face with the daunting challenges of attempting to conduct structural biology on a GPCR.
Are you as passionate as we are about structural biology computations?
Several more researchers presented their work during the day, including protein synthesis at atomic resolution, bio-imaging opportunities at synchrotrons, multi-dimensional imaging during plant cell differentiation, how to use electron cryomicroscopy for in situ structural biology, and how structured illumination microscopy can offer insights into the regulation of mammalian meiosis.
Fox and colleagues applied for a PSI grant in 2000, and on the strength of their science and Wisconsin's structural biology depth, they received funding in 2001 to create the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics.
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