Sentences with phrase «structured learning experience»

Each of these classroom activities involve students in structured learning experiences and provide enrichment options that can be adapted to the specific needs of teachers and students.
The course combines presentations of various theoretical issues related to group work with structured learning experiences that enable the application of newly acquired content in familiar contexts.
Based on his observations of recurrent play themes around the world, Sobel articulates seven design principles that can guide teachers in structuring learning experiences for children.
While the learning areas are presented as distinct, this should not limit the ways in which schools structure the learning experiences offered to students.
When computing is delivered effectively, it can be a highly - structured learning experience and holistically very beneficial, as the subject itself develops problem solving capability; something which is relevant in every subject.
According to these new observations, teachers should explicitly emphasize the interrelatedness of children's skills in multiple domains and should focus on moments that bridge those domains, and they should prioritize creating a predictable, structured learning experience.
While over forty studies on teacher leader preparation were identified in an extensive review of the empirical literature, only eight of these studies included findings on the relationship between the structured learning experiences of a preparation program and the development of knowledge and skills for teacher leadership.
«Structured learning experiences» refers to activities that are specifically intended to develop the knowledge and skills of participants, such as lectures, conducting experiments, role - playing, practicing implementation of new instructional materials, and reviewing research.
These studies suggest that, given the various different models for teacher leader preparation, there are likely a number of structured learning experiences that would support the effectiveness of these programs.
Each model provides an underlying framework for instruction that provides consistency and coherence within and across grade levels, structuring learning experiences in ways that enable teachers to plan effective lessons and allow students to purposefully explore content.
What are some ways educators and education leaders can structure learning experiences to optimize engagement?
It is a structured learning experience designed to give you the skills and knowledge to dive safely and comfortably.
Most resume samples for Product Trainer showcase duties like identifying training needs, developing annual training programs, assessing the organization's strengths and weaknesses, creating instructional materials, offering structured learning experiences, and evaluating effectiveness of training programs.
Young people coming out of high school or college are coming out of a structured learning experience, so we give them a daily schedule, course topics, a syllabus or curriculum, and a test.
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