Sentences with phrase «study testing»

Interestingly, in one study we tested whether this pattern of results was consistent for people in relationships and for those who are single.
This is one of two high school social studies tests required by state, but not federal, law.
* It is interesting to note that in studies testing strict vegans, all patients eventually suffered from the devastating effects of no meat, despite vitamin supplements and large amounts of plant protein.
ACT is a process - oriented approach and the list of studies testing mediation or moderation is quite large.
The present study tested this negative cascade model in a large sample of children living in high - risk neighborhoods.
With this context, the new study tested an approach based on the idea that if prostate cancer cells were flooded with testosterone, the cells might be killed by the hormone shock.
A recent study tested 30 recruiters scanning resumes using a scientific technique called «eye tracking» which revealed a heat scan of where the professional recruiter's eyes were reading 2 executive resumes.
A pilot study testing a new type of drug in patients with chronic diarrhea has shown promising effects on reducing their symptoms.
During scientific research studies some test subjects reported that while supplementing with creatine, they experienced two major issues.
The second study testing the same hypothesis is under analysis.
Few studies tested interactions among peer, school, and neighborhood characteristics.
However, several studies testing commercial «probiotic» diets revealed very low levels of organisms.
A particularly powerful study tested school - aged children on self - control and conducted follow - up studies on those children in their 30s.
He says there probably does need to be a social studies test at some point in high school, but not in 12th grade.
At this point in time, there are not published clinical studies testing hunger and food consumption in elderly adults.
Too many neuroscience studies test too few subjects to arrive at firm conclusions.
The authors are submitting the paper, which builds on previous studies testing artificial intelligence, for further review at an upcoming AI conference.
Meanwhile, hundreds of subsequent studies testing this hypothesis have found differing conclusions.
One study tested women, reducing their nightly sleep from seven to four hours over the course of four nights.
More comprehensive studies testing the effects of multiple road salts and additives on numerous species of mosquito should be conducted before agencies promote the increased application of alternative road salts and road salt additives.
Most studies test drugs before pathology is present, which is preventive rather than therapeutic and may be the reason drugs don't transfer from animal studies to humans.
Plus, we're always finding out more about specific ingredients — peer - reviewed studies testing ingredients and the way they interact with one another are being done more often than ever before.
One study tested digestion speed by providing participants with either a casein or whey protein shake.
Study for your big social studies test tomorrow (you are almost failing this class).
A tried and true strategy for passing a test is to study the test material.
The necessary design elements for studies testing environmentally related risk factors are longitudinal study design, with - in subject comparison, and sufficient power to determine effect sizes.
However, there is currently a lack of studies testing the safety and effects of these herbs on women with pregnancy constipation.
For example, there's no 11th - grade social studies test.
A second study tested the possibility that shared media is a viable strategy for those couples who don't have as many friends in common.
National social studies tests for 4th grade students and high school seniors have been indefinitely postponed as a result of sequestration cuts, which has alarmed social studies advocates and contributed to the perception that federal decision making and policies have narrowed the curriculum and downplayed the role of subjects other than reading and math in preparing students for college and careers.
The new study tested how collagen formation might affect metastasis, Eliceiri says.
Interview preparation guides, video tutorials, and case study tests help prepare you for the Accenture Consulting Analyst and Manager interviews, including the pre-screening phone interview, and proceeding technical, behavioral and case study interviews.
In addition to carrying rabies, 62 to 82 percent of cats in a recent study tested positive for toxoplasmosis.»
The Glasers are now conducting studies testing whether regular supplements of fish oil, rich in omega - 3 fatty acids, can mitigate some of the physical symptoms of stress on the immune system.
A University of London longitudinal study tested vocabulary skills of the same people at ages 16 and 42 and found at the younger age the average test score was 55 percent.
The researchers from the University's Department of Social Policy and Intervention, and the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm, studied the test scores measuring cognitive ability of children aged between 10 and 13, and found they had a strong effect on a child's subsequent educational performance.
Using longitudinal, multi-informant data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, the present study tested associations between trajectories of parental and child depressive symptoms from ages 11 to 15 years.
The review, published in the current British Journal of Sports Medicine, looked at 20 studies testing various foot orthoses.
If your medical records show that you have been advised by a doctor to perform a sleep study test, but have not done so, some life insurance companies will not even consider you for coverage until you do.
Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this disease.
«Know thyself to understand others: New study tests value of perspective - taking training in understanding other people's mental states.»
The depression study aims to enroll 600 patients in a 12 - week study testing two psychoactive drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy.
The first study tested perfluorocarboxylate (PFCA) blood levels in eight ski wax technicians before, during, and after the 2007/2008 ski season, and researchers found that the median blood level for PFOA was almost 45 times that of the general population (112 ng / mL compared to 2.5 ng / mL).
Two long - awaited studies test efficacy of psilocybin, the hallucinogenic compound in magic mushrooms
Besides that, the inspection of model's parameters lead us to conclude that in our community sample, as in similar studies testing bifactor models and involving both clinical and community participants, all HADS items, except item # 14, loaded more highly on the general factor than on each specific group factor.
To address these concerns, they «exploit the fact that the TIMSS study tested each student in both mathematics and science,» which allowed them to compare the math and science test scores of individual students whose teacher in one subject tended to emphasize a different teaching style than their teacher in the other subject.
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