Sentences with phrase «subjective data»

Any data set that only looks at data from after 1970 is guilty of the scientific crime of subjective data selection.
Assessments provide educators with both objective and subjective data in order to ascertain student progress and skill mastery.
I've noticed one thing over and over again in these arguments and that is how subjective data is managed.
In the absence of a stated policy, there was too much case - by - case discussion based on subjective data as to whose customer is it.
Build a rich text of subjective data on the opposing counsel, judge, and on the overwhelming data on fees, hours, and costs
The Critique of Pure Reason describes the process by which subjective data pass into the appearance of an objective world....
Even when using subjective data, Eden's arguments don't stand up to scrutiny, a point made by Daniel Losen of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA during testimony at a December hearing held by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights at which Eden also testified.
I present a scoring method for eliciting truthful subjective data in situations where objective truth is unknowable.
The Leiden Ranking does not rely on highly subjective data obtained from reputational surveys or on data provided by universities themselves.
You can only glean so much subjective data on a car's track capabilities when you're stuck in the wet, but thankfully Aston arranged a second day of street driving which shed more light on the Vantage's terrestrial qualities.
Even the Australian Statistician undertakes surveys that produce subjective data that has potential implications for government policies.
The method is realistic, not idealistic: Whitehead remarks that instead of describing, in Kantian fashion, how subjective data pass into the appearance of an objective world, he describes how subjective experience emerges from an objective world.
The initial consult will begin to unravel your story and provide us with both objective and subjective data as how best to tread forward.
It is saved as evidence under the category of «subjective data»
Yes, but subjective data is not dismissed as evidence only filed as «subjective».
The people at Morningstar suspended their awards gala for 2016 on the grounds that they give many of the prizes to companies and funds based on subjective data, like «juried» selections.To their credit, Morningstar did not want to «feed the beast» of mutual fund marketing departments any longer.
They need to gather objective and subjective data to evaluate and improve the value delivered by their law firms.»
It's the combination of objective and subjective data that provides the full account.
However, it is just as important to capture «soft» data about working with a firm and its attorneys — the subjective data from the claims professionals that deal with outside counsel on a regular basis.
Provided there is objective and subjective data to support the final conclusions, the use of specific terms and phrases is not central to the quality of an FAE Report.
Assessed fitness level of new clientele by gathering biometric and subjective data to develop a baseline fitness profile
The BISQ seems to be the first brief infant sleep questionnaire that has been supported by all of the following factors: 1) objective and subjective data, 2) assessment of test - retest reliability, 3) comparison between clinical and control samples, and 4) a large community sample with findings that correspond to the existing literature results.
Conclusions: This study produced the T - CMDQ with good psychometric properties, presented the first formal validation of the CMDQ and provided useful insights on the cross-cultural adaptation process of a subjective data collection tool which was originally developed in English, into the Turkish language.
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