Sentences with phrase «teacher leadership positions»

A group of classroom teachers from schools with newly created teacher leadership positions told delegates how educators in the new positions are nurturing collaboration and professional growth among their colleagues.
In the 2014 contract, she gave classroom educators a chance to lead by example through teacher leadership positions in which they can share the secrets of their success with peers.
I would like to propose the tying of teacher leadership positions to the district's salary point scale in order to improve teacher retention.
The new teacher leadership positions offered them opportunities to be instructional leaders and additional compensation for their time and commitment.
They also discuss some of the pitfalls of teacher leadership and describe how they have dealt with some of the unforeseen problems that arose from giving teachers leadership positions.
TIF grantees have used federal funding to develop and fund teacher leadership positions and incentivize teachers to serve in high - need schools.
These studies reported on preparation programs that provided the opportunity to participants to perform as leaders, whether in a role - play in front of other program participants (Nesbit et al., 2001), while working with classroom teachers in an actual teacher leadership position in a school or district (Howe & Stubbs, 2003), or with the support of a mentor in a teacher leader training program (Harris & Townsend, 2007).
If districts are able to apply these funds toward teacher - led professional development, teacher liaisons to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and other teacher leadership positions, master teachers will be able to share their hard - won strategies, and their expertise will have a wider reach than just their own classrooms.
There were few studies that articulated the selection processes for teacher leadership positions.
Those applauded for their work with newly created teacher leadership positions are (front, from left) teacher Lauren Quack, Teacher Center Co-Director Rita Danis, teachers Daniela Mazzella, Michelle Fargnoli and Cassandra Baptiste, and (back, from left) Phyllis Walker of the Teacher Center, teacher Rebecca Schropfer, Special Representative Amy Arundell and teachers Nancy Wagner and Joshua Houston.
Fanscali (2004) also found that the support of colleagues contributed to teachers» pursuit of teacher leadership positions.
In addition to creating teacher leadership positions, the new contract established the PROSE program, which stands for Progressive Redesign Opportunity Schools for Excellence.
We spoke about the opportunities within ESSA to build in teacher leadership positions that can help to satisfy that need for advanced roles, and doesn't pull talent out of the classroom.
All teacher leadership positions (except Instructional Coach) are full - time teaching positions with additional stipends for their participation in the program.
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