Sentences with phrase «temp increase»

The phrase "temp increase" simply means that the temperature is getting higher or hotter. Full definition
We saw a significant temp increase when we left it under the sun for a few hours.
And yes the battery temp increases while the handset is charged (41 degrees).
I've also noticed that as the ambient air temp increases the frequency of the problem increases as well.
This altered and fabricated data record is then used as the actual data record, which allows them to say that such huge temps increases are happening.
With present models and empirical relationships, a 4C temp increase will produce a 25 % increase in rainfall, with substantially enhanced plant growth.
Now note that the most recent IPCC results (Fourth Assessment Report) indicate, with high confidence, a 21st - century temp increase of 3.5 - 8 deg F. My reading of the paleoclimate data suggests that the last time GAT was 3.5 deg F warmer was roughly 4 million years ago (whereas modern humans came on the scene roughly 150,000 years ago).
With ocean temps increasing, it is only a matter of time before we will be able to water - ski down the mountain of water that will form above the Mariana Trench.
We have had some warmers on here recently talking about a «doubling of CO2 ″ and the estimated temp increase resulting eg «only 0.5 or maybe 1.5 C».
Which means even if we stop all GHG in 10 years, we still have 40 - 60 years of temp increases before they level off.
Ok, between your rough calculation and tonto52's / max's discussion about ocean sink uptake, the range of estimated temp increase could be 2.2 deg C (worse case) and 1.0 deg C (best case) if a stringent 50 % emission reduction plan were successfully implemented.
The pause - busting breakthrough of Karl's paper was to raise annual temp increase from 0.113 C per to 0.116 C per decade during the «pause» period — i.e. 0.003 C per decade.
It is ridiculous to assume that most of the NH temp increase is due to soot pollution.
Rising Highland Temps Increasing Risks for Child Heatstroke, Indiana Injury and Family Lawyer Blog, June 10, 2013
Rising Highland Temps Increasing Risks for Child Heatstroke, Indianan Injury and Family Lawyer Blog, June 10, 2013
Other signs include sleeplessness, irritability, and a slight temp increase.
Creating a correlation of rising co2 to temp increase since 1850/80 is I believe flawed as the Global temperature record does not allow us to do this with the precision claimed.
High temp increases heart rate, burns calories, and increased blood and oxygen flow can relieve chronic joint and muscle pain / stiffness, Helps lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels; results in lowered cortisol, increased relaxation afterwards.
From 1998 onward De Bilt shows no further temp increase.
Isn't the expected 21st century temp increase spouted by IPCC and other warmists between 2 - 7 C, with a 4 C being the highest probability?
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