Sentences with phrase «than other professions»

Because more than any other profession, their education investment sacrifices current income for potential future return.
And that 8 percent is a lot higher than other professions.
Managing money as a mechanic is really no different than any other profession managing money.
We are not necessarily any worse than other professions in this regard.
There's research finding that teachers tend to have stronger geographic ties to their community than other professions, so I didn't quite expect the spread that we eventually saw.
In addition to lesser business revenues than other professions, vets have a higher cost of goods associated with doing business.
I think to the public, game creation seems like a very difficult job, and in fact, we often have to work way more hours than other professions.
Since when is the practice of law less honest than any other profession?
Lawyers suffer from higher rates of alcoholism, divorce, depression, and suicide than any other profession.
Attorneys have stricter ethical rules than other professions precisely because they are viewed differently.
Also, certain professions, like engineers, have proven less risky to insure than other professions, so individuals with those jobs will pay less in auto insurance premiums than others.
This small risk pool allowed the company to operate with minimal costs as government workers are a small group of people and tend to get into statistically fewer accidents than other professions.
Sales professionals or leaders of others require a greater degree of emotional competence than other professions.
But, perhaps more than any other profession, they deserve both our respect and our attention.
My sense however from talking with lawyers across the country is that the assertion («(L) awyers do morepro bono work than any other profession») of an innate pro bono culture has widespread currency in the private Bar.
Injuries are rather more important to sports than any other profession.
The number of people working 48 or more hours has risen faster in Education than other professions, with the average increase for Britain being 15 per cent.
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) occupations are growing faster and paying better than other professions, and the critical thinking skills gained from studying these subjects can be invaluable and raise general intelligence levels across the board.
To remind you why, let's discuss 10 reasons why being a trader ROCKS HARDER than any other profession that has ever existed.
We implant hundreds (thousands at other shelters) of pets each year, we scan more animals than any other profession, and it is our job each day to track down owners — and we are quite good at it even with the tiniest bit of information.
Nor is law any different than other professions such as accounting, engineering or dentistry where unless you join an established practice, you will need to cultivate your own clients in order to pay the rent.
The Report notes the tendency of lawyers to retire later in life than the population generally and later than other professions.
While the costs of daycare are skyrocketing, child care workers in both private and public facilities tend to make comparatively lower salaries than other professions — even those who do not involve working with our future generations.
If anything, lawyers need vacations more than other professions because of the constant stress and daily grind.
Last week's blog «' Lawyers do more pro bono work than any other profession»: Why Pro Bono Will Not and Can Not Save Us from the A2J Crisis» sparked some interesting reactions and afforded me some useful insights.
Although there is not conclusive evidence to suggest that mental ill - health among teachers is higher than other professions, it is clear that teachers are exposed to highly demanding and at times, stressful situations (Gardner, 2010).
«Lawyers aren't any worse than any other profession, the difference today is the attitude about the profession itself.
Lawyers understand perhaps more than any other profession the dangers of data leaking through email.
Nonetheless, the data suggests that academics do far more job related reading, than other professions.
Clergy appear to make more job - related book purchases per year, than other professions.
More than any other profession, he believes, «farmers are constantly adapting.»
But the union case was strengthened by data obtained by the TUC from the nationwide Labour Force Survey, showing that teachers carried out more unpaid overtime in 2013 than any other profession.
Although scientists are held up as models of independent thinkers and unbiased seekers of truth, the reality is that they depend on funding even more than other professions, and will study what they are paid to study.
More than any other profession, attorneys require discretion and attention to detail in how they present themselves online.
Last week's blog «' Lawyers do more pro bono work than any other profession»: Why Pro Bono Will Not and Can Not... read more
Disability insurance is important for doctors - maybe more than any other profession.
More so, perhaps, than any other profession, product managers must have a solid grasp of the demands of several different disciplines in order to communicate productively across divisions.
More than any other profession, you rely on people skills are much as your talent, so it's important to have a resume that allows your personality to stand out among the many others that a hiring manager is looking at.
However, if you are submitting your resume for a more «creative» position such as art teacher or graphic designer, you can play with color and layout a bit more than other professions.
UK teachers in 2008: Surviving or thriving: Do UK teachers have lower perceived control and well - being than other professions?
Perhaps more than any other profession, real estate is the domain of the motivated entrepreneur.
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