Sentences with phrase «than poor ones»

And in particular, the wealthy ones aren't necessarily harder working than the poorer ones.
Opponents of the state and local tax deduction, which the bill would largely eliminate, argue it's regressive and concentrates benefits on rich states rather than poor ones that actually need the money.
Rich farmers and countries will be able to adapt more easily than poorer ones.
Almost as stupid as STAR where New York intentionally overtaxes to build up money to write rebate checks for people like Rump... and to give more aid to wealthy school districts than poor ones.
Generally speaking, the reason that rich women have better sex than a poor one can be chalked up to a variety of issues, but the truth of the matter is that the expectations will be high.So if you want to date a rich woman, remember the impact that you're going to have a high bar set for you.
Concerned that varying education programs are creating «two Connecticuts, one for the rich and one for the poor,» the state's department of education is studying whether wealthy districts offer substantially better programs than poorer ones.
Wealthy school districts in Connecticut typically spent $ 1,227 more per student than poorer ones during the 1981 - 82 school year, according to a recent state report.
Moreover, the institutions need a new role with respect to countries other than the poorest ones at a time when the leading developing countries are actually exporting rather than importing capital.
Almost twice as many of these successful agents use a real estate CRM than the poor ones.
Opponents of the state and local tax deduction, which the bill would sharply limit, argue it's regressive and concentrates benefits on rich states rather than poor ones that actually need the money.
Rich farmers and countries will be able to adapt more easily than poorer ones.
One would think that passage of Keystone XL would also meet with the Sierra Club's approval, as well, for several reasons: Wealthier countries and populaces generally protect their enviroonment better than poorer ones; Sierra Club executives and members inevitable all use petroleum products (unless they are living «off the grid»); and pipelines are a proven safe method of transporting oil.
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