Sentences with phrase «than the first time»

The leftovers are even better than the first time around.
The spring rolls turned out even better than the first time and the course went great.
When you and your partner decide to move forward with becoming pregnant again, it is no different than the first time around.
Since we had already established our routine, it was so much easier than the first time.
Stay out for a longer period of time than the first time you left him.
This is especially true if it is your second, third, or fourth pregnancies, when nutritional reserves may be lower than the first time around.
It's okay, I don't really regret it, but it was a different experience than the first time around when it broke on it's own.
In your rock back position, can you rotate further than the first time?
Even though I died over a hundred times more than the first time through, it wasn't that much harder.
We're all for birth plans but those of us who've been doing this for a while are more realistic than some first time parents.
Looks a little darker than the first time, but this time I didn't add any water.
It's quite a different experience and feeling than the first time around.
I was way more calm than my first time and so was everyone else.
Pregnancy with a toddler was a little bit more draining than the first time around.
This time will be different as I've gained a whole lot more weight than the first time around.
The decision to have one of his trained lactation consultants make a home visit was what contributed most to a very different scenario than the first time.
Our second baby wasn't quite as planned as our first, and I struggled more with accepting that my pregnancy was real and actually happening than the first time around.
Well it worked, and it made me feel so close to my husband in an even deeper way than the first time I gave birth!
Not a bad experience by any means, but I decided this time around that I'd like to have more control and more options than the first time around.
It came out lighter and more moist than first time round.
I actually made a double batch the other day and used more water than the first time around so it can vary slightly.
Thus, the athlete would end that second cutting phase at a higher muscle mass level than the first time around.
This time I started a good 15 lbs heavier than the first time, so I had more to lose.
I am much more laid back than the first time and I worry much less about a lot of things.
I wore this again recently and styled it differently with the red boots, different red boots than the first time around.
The batter seemed more abundant than the first time but sadly I pulled it out of the oven and it was flat.
We still go to the dentist twice a year but it's a LOT less traumatic than that first time.
I enjoyed reading them again and probably enjoyed them in a different manner than the first time I had read them, particularly the ones read as a child.
The second book's beta read process went a lot smoother than the first time.
As I prepared to publish my second novel, The Summer of Crossing Lines, I've had even more fun than the first time around.
If you're an experienced pet parent you may feel more prepared for adopting a puppy than a first time pet parent would.
When you get it right, you'll know, because you'll be more excited than the first time you had sex and probably more addicted to it, too!
That in turn continues to reduce affordability generally and results, ultimately, in the people gaining most from the policy being those who already own property rather than the first time buyers.
I'll post when I do so everyone can see the better results you can get than my first time mistakes with it.
The vendor offered them at an even better price than the first time, so I had to bring them home.
It's not coming off as fast as I expected it too with gaining about half as much but still better than the first time.
Step 4 Stay out of the room for a little bit longer than the first time and follow the same routine, staying out of the room for gradually longer intervals, each time returning for only a minute or two to pat and reassure him, and leaving while he's still awake.
I am strong because two years later we decided to try for another child, even though the chances of this baby being born with Spina Bifida were even higher than the first time.
Qualifying for an FHA Cash - Out Loan is no different than the first time applying for an FHA loan.
He was indeed astonished at the outcome, but by a double - movement he had reached his first position, and therefore he received Isaac more gladly than the first time.
I put it in the microwave (I know, microwaves are bad) for 20 seconds and then used the hand mixer again and it made the most beautiful icing — far better consistency than the first time around.
There are few moments in life that are more amazing than the first time you nurse your baby.
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