Sentences with phrase «than the outcome»

When you find yourself focusing on tasks that you can't stand, rather than the outcome of your labor, it is only natural that you are not going to be happy.
Pretty rough stuff, and in my mind, even worse than the outcome of the global warming tipping point scenario.
«I'm disappointed in the process more than the outcome,» he said.
A modest outcome, if it's worthwhile, is still far better than no outcome at all.
Clearly, the above scenario is very different than the outcome we had all hoped for just a few months ago.
Today we know much more about inputs than outcomes.
So to expect anything else than this outcome was pointless.
I believe she was negligent and more concerned with an agenda than the outcome.
That may sound funny, but this hypothetical conversation has moved rapidly toward understanding this particular client's mindset, more focused on budget than outcome.
Yes time and efforts would be required but better than no outcome right.
So, it's my worst mistake in terms of process rather than outcome.
I'm the type of person who enjoys the process more than the outcome.
The decision process is as important, sometimes more, than the outcome of a case.
There are a variety of reasons but one of the most important is the philosophy of «normal birth,» the self - serving idea promoted by midwives that the process of birth is somehow equally or more important than the outcome.
Cobb's recognition that the origin of the act of decision is temporally earlier than its outcome is most significant for it stands in contrast with the implicit tendency to treat concrescence as if it were temporally instantaneous.
Each includes: Literacy section with key words and definitions Starter Lesson objective (The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book) Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome A set of extension questions Plenary questions to check understanding Homework questions (differentiated) Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
If the personal income tax year - end accruals are close to those in 2016 - 17, the deficit could be $ 4 billion lower than forecast in the FES and lower than the outcome for 2016 - 17 ($ 17.8 billion).
Prop Bet — A bet on something other than the outcome of a game.
However, if you are in a larger pre-school or child care franchise than that outcome is unlikely due to laws and or contractual food service agreements.
For the purpose of this response, «rig» means to intentionally affect the outcome of the election to such a degree as to enable the final outcome to be different than the outcome resulting solely from the «accurate and official» vote tally.
The researchers note that the lack of a control group limited assessing whether better clinical outcomes resulted from integrative clini ¬ cal sequencing than outcomes that would have occurred with standard care.
The research, published in the journal Psychological Science (LINK), found that children learn to distinguish between inequity and unfairness at a young age (around 6 to 7), and that as they grow older they become more concerned with the fairness of the allocation rather than the outcomes per se.
Reframing the language around our exercise and choosing to focus on its positive health and wellness benefits rather than the outcome in pounds or inches invites us to be gentle with ourselves and less competitive.
but the buildup of serotonin may be less significant than another outcome of PST deficiency — namely, the effect this deficiency would have on the permeability of the intestinal lining.
The essence of thisdifference is less a question of sequential order than an outcome of a remarkable attention to the psychological and physical realities of characters anchored within their environments.
Ruthless and evil, this man's sole purpose is to kill, sometimes for no more of a reason than the outcome of a coin toss.
We get the setup to the climactic Big Fight, and of course, we get the payoff to that setup in an extended, brutal bout that has much more at stake than the outcome of the fight (It's so effective that even the annoying, on - the - nose commentary becomes background noise).
Positive impacts on long - term attainment outcomes and earnings are, of course, more consequential than outcomes on test scores in school.
Far more certain than the outcome, however, is that whoever wins — Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman or his Republican challenger, U.S. Rep. Bob Riley — must confront serious budget troubles that are bluntly hitting the state's K - 12 public schools.
Our Data Mining Services has earned the fame for unique and unparallel data extraction services which is more than the outcome expected by our Clients.
Another project that J. P. Morgan has at the fair, and that is more effective than the outcome of «Introducing!»
There is little prospect that the year will end cooler than this outcome since large parts of Australia have already experienced well above average temperatures during the first half of December 2015.
If it be denied that the outset of concrescence is temporally earlier than its outcome, it would seem that the whole of concrescence must be inserted into that instant between two successive occasions, since the being of the second occasion first depends upon its becoming.
The sheet includes: Literacy section with key words and definitions Write on the sheet starter Lesson objective (The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book) Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome A set of extension questions Plenary questions to check understanding Homework questions (differentiated) Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life.
Here's how to build confidence in your teenage child by focusing on effort rather than outcomes.
No one moment took energy storage into the mainstream of the UK power system more than the outcome of National Grid's August 2016 tender for Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR).
Of course, this body of research does not really explain why certain behaviours are problematic or stressors for parents and families.2 Moreover, parent distress may be the antecedent rather than the outcome of child behaviour problems: High parent distress is associated with less optimal parenting and more negative parent - child interaction which, in turn, predicts child behaviour problems.
As Dweck says, the growth mindset is focused more on the process than the outcome.
This, of course, was an account of moral character which saw it as a substitute for Christian faith and community, rather than its outcome.
Its origin is temporally earlier than its outcome.
Parenthood is a puzzle and if we can help them to get curious about what's going on for their children and for themselves, and to know that it's really the process, rather than the outcome that is more important.
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