Sentences with phrase «thing government»

Heck, there are plenty of things the government does that I don't believe in.
There are a number of things governments could do to strengthen economic growth and the platforms of all the parties contain small initiatives that might help.
It doesn't matter how much the savings or investments in your TFSA are worth; the only thing the government limits is how much you can put in.
It is therefore one of the most important things the government can do to ensure capital funding represents a good deal for pupils, teachers, parents and taxpayers.
«It is time for working families to be a top priority, not made the last thing governments think about in trade disputes,» he said.
It's thorough because the last thing the government wants to do is keep sending social security checks to people who are dead.
It doesn't matter how much the savings or investments in your TFSA are worth; the only thing the government limits is how much you can put in.
We were supposed to have created a representative government but the only thing our government represents is greed and corruption.
There are things government does today that it will have to stop doing.
Our work in improving the process for child neglect and abuse cases is one of the most important things government can do.
Once those kinds of pressures build up, there's no telling the kind of things government will contemplate.
The only thing the government should be doing here is making sure someone doesn't artificially make themselves a monopoly anyway.
Yes and plow the snow off of and fix the highways, pay the army and all the other things the government does for you as well — or tell them just to charge it — oops, wait they been doin that for years because no one wanted to pay for them.
As a CIA term of tradecraft, «blowback» does not just mean retaliation for things our government has done to, and in, foreign countries.
@John Walton Giuliano - I do believe Global Warming is occuring, I also believe that there are many things our government from local to national are turning blind eyes to when they obtain funding or support from companies dumping toxic wastes.
Mathieu Filion wrote in an email that one of the first things the government did after coming to power was to cut taxes to the middle class and raise them for families with an income of $ 250,000 or more.
A 3 - metre coke bottle is being towed across Victoria as pressure mounts on the State Government to adopt a container deposit scheme, with advocates saying it is the most effective thing the Government can do to help oceans.
In light of the number of bad things Government can do, a lot of people think that's all a feature, not a bug.
Marjane thinks it's funny that she got the man arrested; her grandmother, repulsed by the fact that Marjane has used her sex — the very thing the government is trying so hard to control — as an excuse, a manipulation, is furious with her.
The only responsible thing the Government can do is call a general election.»
Milburn, the chairman of the social mobility commission, has said that starting salaries for teachers should be on par with other graduate professions, as improving the quality of teaching is the biggest thing the government could do to deal with inequality.
Generous daycare subsidies might be the smartest thing governments can do: Extensive research shows the most effective way to increase the number of women taking part in the economy is to ensure reliable, affordable child care.
How do you see the Church taking on issues like mountaintop removal or preventing employee abuse or food safety or highway maintenance or any number of other things the government currently does?
Taxes pay for defense, infrastructure, and the million other things our government ACTUALLY does for us citizens.
Speaking about the survey Stephen Ratcliffe, Director UKCG, said «Providing certainty over the pipeline of forward public sector programmes and working with the industry to get shovel ready projects underway, would be the most helpful thing government could do in the wake of these results.
He defends the VAT cut, which has come in for considerable criticism, although that's not at all universal - a surprising number of economists think it's the only successful thing the government has done, but their voices are usually drowned out.
At best, they can use the money to buy the many wonderful things governments like to purchase: food for the poor; tanks for protection; infrastructure for jobs.
«While at the same time our state is NOT doing the basic things government is created for such as maintaining the highways, the subways, clean water systems, working sewer systems that do not pollute, and many other things,» he wrote.
He fail to do the usual thing his government does first when they are chaseing shadow, set up 30 Man commite to look into how to tackle the it.Then problems solved.
«It's just shed light on things the government's not done correctly.»
This is the only land we have — the only thing the government left us after taking most of our country.»
But this is hardly ever how it works; you pay that money out somewhere else, to things the government decides is a worthy cause, and then you don't have to give it to them as a middleman so they can spend it on worthy causes.
«This is one thing governments worldwide agree on, if these measures are exceeded we are in trouble, please take the action necessary while we still can.»
Yes, you can try to point out all the great things the government has done (the Internet, anyone?)
«The most clever thing governments could do to kill Bitcoin is make anonymous, electronic cash,» Todd added.
There he attacked Reagan's view that «the best thing government can do is nothing,» and defended the New Deal legacy of social welfare programs and reforms, from Social Security through civil rights to Medicare.
«The last thing this government wants is to appear antagonistic to the United States.
«Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, it's hard to find a more effective thing government has done than ARPA - E,» Smith added.
Rushing through these proposals was the worst thing the government could have done.
But they have a sticky situation on their hands because clamping down too hard at once could harm the overall market and cause citizens to lose their money — the very thing the government is trying to avoid.
His main aim was to avoid annoying voters ahead of June 23; the last thing the Government needs is for the referendum to become an opportunity for voters to kick an unpopular administration.»
Tell Congress to eliminate the thousands of grants and give away programs (read pork) for things the government should never have been involved in the first place, and include a sunset clause on every new program.
Alan Milburn, the chairman of the social mobility commission, said the biggest thing the government could do to deal with inequality was improve teaching in disadvantaged areas.
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