Sentences with phrase «to accept that explanation»

"To accept that explanation" means to believe or agree with the given explanation or reasoning for something. Full definition
And we know there's no one comprehensive and widely accepted explanation for why this happened.
The giant impact theory is now the widely accepted explanation of the moon's origin.
It is important to note here that there is still no widely accepted explanation for these premiums.
We surveyed a variety of studies about credit card spending and present some of the most widely accepted explanations as presented by leading experts.
Private lenders will ask your reasons for needing the loan but will accept any explanation because they are more flexible than banks.
Older kids and teens are less likely to accept an explanation at face value.
It was easier to accept the explanation so they could put it behind them and focus on survival.
Our lenders accept any explanation you give as according to them, you know your priorities best.
We surveyed a variety of studies about credit card spending and present some of the most widely accepted explanations as presented by leading experts.
Older kids and teens are less likely to accept an explanation at face value.
He did not accept the explanation of Ms. M., since to accept that «nothing happened» would mean «to reject the physical evidence of the terrible injuries that this young lady suffered».
Somewhat controversially, given the recent tirade by a Polish MEP in the European parliament, these include the suggestion that there is no generally accepted explanation for why women have on average achieved lower grades as chess players than men.
But the court accepted the explanation from the Phillips campaign that two signatures in question were from people who had the power of attorney to sign for their loved ones, who were physically incapable of doing so themselves.
We emphasize that we do not decide that a state «mandated statement violates the Constitution simply because it disclaims any intent to communicate to students that the theory of evolution is the only accepted explanation of the origin of life, informs students of their right to follow their religious principles, and encourages students to evaluate all explanations of life's origins, including those taught outside the classroom.
He only tentatively accepted my explanation that in nonliterary circles she was known as Mrs. Hubert Stuart Moore, the wife of a London barrister.
Whether Busch accepted the explanation, he wasn't saying Friday at Phoenix International Raceway, but Logano said it was important that he at least make the effort.
That may be why our daughter readily accepted our explanation that daddy didn't really have a stomachache.
Although Gromack's campaign manager says this is a «political stunt» with «zero merit» it is hard to accept that explanation when the amount of the expenses under question are in the «tens of thousands of dollars ``.
My father, however, never accepted this explanation, which he found too complicated: We sweep the sand for a much more practical reason: we want to know who's come and gone during the night.
I've included agent Jennifer Laughran's tweet here in spite of the fact that she has established with Eisler in comments that she was not flying at him with the others, and he has accepted her explanation on this.
The CFA accepted the explanation and the Singapura cat retained the status of being a natural breed.
At the full hearing of the appeal on 6 December 2017 Flaux and Moylan LJJ accepted the explanation provided by counsel for the Appellants that when she had appeared before Vos LJ she had been unaware of the earlier judgment.
There's a good explanation for why the Girl Scouts are so much more conservative on this point than they usually are, if you don't accept the explanation that they really do take their original conception of Scouting seriously.
(Astronomers have no generally accepted explanation for what causes any neutron star's magnetic field, no matter the strength.)
They are more inclined to accept explanations from official sources, from «experts,» from company officials, from well prepared hand - outs created by public relations experts, than to go to the trouble to dig out opposing views that often are represented by small, inefficient, underfinanced and even unpopular groups.
The commonly accepted explanation for this is that adolescents» biological brain clocks are delayed.
You honestly believe that you have scientific proof that the most widely accepted explanation for biological diversity in the World, which is supported by overwhelming evidence in the Worldwide fossil record, completely independently verified and validated by genetic mapping and taught in every college and University in the World — is wrong.
They were disappointed, but accepted our explanation.
I am consistent in that I will accept the explanation that has evidence.
DO NOT be an apologist or accept the explanation «your mind is too small to understand the greatness of science» or «evolution moves in mysterious ways» when you come upon logical inconsistencies in your belief.
If I order a salad at a restaurant and the waiter brings me lasagna, I will not accept his explanation that in their little twilight restaurant when people order a salad, they actually mean to order lasagna.
But apparently they can accept the explanation that this god doesn't want them to know how he came into existence.
They may not be ready to accept the explanation, or able to understand it fully, but they need to know what the adults involved have in mind.
Do you accept their explanations?
DO NOT be an apologist or accept the explanation «your mind is too small to understand the greatness of God,» «God is outside the Universe» or «God moves in mysterious ways» when you come upon logical inconsistencies in your belief.
There were things that bothered me, but I accepted the explanations that were given me in school and in church.
DO NOT be an apologist or accept the explanation «your mind is too small to understand the greatness of god» or «god moves in mysterious ways» when you come upon logical inconsistencies in your belief.
ESPN has accepted this explanation from Stephen A. Smith because he has not been disciplined in any way.
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