Sentences with phrase «to be a loss»

I wonder with only manipulating insulin on the weekends, if there is any loss of benefit during the week of not having insulin driving amino acids into the muscle cells.
If there is no loss of appetite, you may just want to try changing your hamster's diet — feed it fewer vegetables and fresh food.
Too often, STEM is isolated from the rest of the curriculum, which is a loss for students.
However, these kinds of seemingly innocent confidentiality slips could cause major problems for lawyers, not the least of which is the loss of business or potential business.
I had the opportunity to drive both and in this case, there's no loss in not having a choice.
Although reports claim that there has not been a loss of trade by those shops inside the zone, many others are locating their stores well outside of it.
A loss is a loss, whether it comes in the form of a market decline or a lawsuit.
When there's a loss from any of these broad causes, your policy responds by replacing your personal property that was damaged.
Sure stolen property is covered, but so is a loss because your neighbor had a fire.
If there is a loss on those stocks, you can not claim that loss for tax purposes with an in - kind transfer.
Chronic disappointment is a huge factor at this stage, as is the loss of sex life and good feelings toward one another.
He has not had any where near the impact this season so is no loss really.
There may also be a loss of preferred marketing rates that have been negotiated by brands taking advantage of their «brand power».
I know there was a loss with the hurricane and I pray they will be able to restore it so I can visit with my family.
Now you know all about what is loss of use on renters insurance.
Unlike a fire, the loss in this case is a loss of trust and esteem rather than belongings, which can be an even more painful experience.
One dramatic change is our loss of the ability to regulate body temperature.
The result is loss of productivity, resources, and, in many cases, a negative impact on the company's culture.
Do you know where your family would go if there were a loss like that?
A second type of damages is loss of support, comfort and society.
Auto insurance might look very cheap from the outside but it could be a loss making deal in the long term.
Options are zero sum games — your gain is a loss for the trader on the opposing side.
Studies show that this should only be a loss of about 1 % per year.
They will always be a loss leader, even if you're at an event tailored to attract only fans of your genre.
However, you could be responsible for damage to the structure if there were a loss due to your negligence.
A generation ago, the only consequence a college dropout faced was the loss of future earnings that could have come with the degree.
Indeed, a major symptom of this deadly disease is loss of appetite.
Content sales are a loss - leader to keep customers happy and keep them buying new hardware.
Then there's loss aversion: it feels worse to lose something than to gain the equivalent amount, making us protect what we have rather than take a chance to make a gain.
The greatest danger for a sales person is loss of confidence.
Remember that even if the fire is put out, everything is likely to still be a loss.
Should you die, the financial impact on your dependents is the loss of your income as well as the immediate expenses associated with your death.
The only problem is loss of investment if you don't get longer terms.
The right idea at the wrong time is a loss in the world of trading.
It will also most likely be a loss for students.
But perhaps the biggest loss in separating employees is the loss of personal interaction.
I have observed that once a team scores first against us that will almost certainly be a loss for us or at best a draw.
All increase in knowledge and skill that confirm one in his lust for autonomy is loss, not gain.
It might be the loss happened within your family several generations ago.
My expectation is a loss, but a win would be very welcome.
A wrongful death is a loss of life caused by another person's wrongful act, negligence, or default.
More challenging are the losses for which there is no hard measure, but these losses — such as a permanently impaired body or the diminished ability to enjoy life — also deserve compensation.
«The No. 1 cause of extinction of organisms is loss of habitat,» he said.
The primary risk involved with investing in equity investments is the loss of part or all of investments and principal.
A final and very important consideration to think about before you decide to refinance your student loans with a balance transfer credit card is the loss of student loan protections you may have.
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