Sentences with phrase «to be that»

A presentation or conference will fail if there isn't good voice quality or clarity.
«So there aren't easy answers,» he continued.
Freedom to find meaning in work is also good for the bottom line.
But what if AI and deep learning could help doctors figure out a patient's disease simply by analyzing a face — no scans or testing required?
Try to determine from what's not on the resume what the candidate doesn't want you to know or find out.
Thankfully, they don't forget you, and often thank you for being so understanding and flexible, by surprising you with flowers or a favorite treat.
They all require an analysis of who are going to benefit from result before getting them started.
The only place I felt like I fit in was on the ice with other people who loved hockey as much as I did.
We help you determine which is best for your needs.
And we all know that going to the wrong place because your GPS told you to go there is just about the worst thing ever.
The researchers also found that those individuals who checked their emails more frequently didn't perceive themselves as being more productive than those who had email restrictions.
Your business can have multiple social goals, some of which aren't even formally documented or publicized.
People who are able say, «Imagine if we did this...» and then they can figure out a way to make it happen.
Give more power to your employees, and let them know that what they do is more important than how they do it.
The bank will now also be able to hold reserves in diamonds and precious metals other than gold, which already makes up the majority of its reserves.
The name you choose to do business with is very important.
The companies can likely afford to pay extra fees, but could still be at a disadvantage when competing with carrier - owned services.
When is doing what you love just a hobby... and when should you take the leap to start your own endeavor?
Sure, some of you will deny the hour, thinking there are still only 24 hours in a day.
The decision every business user needs to make is about price and functionality.
Recognizing which to do when is tough in real life.
This freely available information can then be used by the merchant to make inventory or strategic placement decisions and even to create entirely new products and brands to address limitations in current offerings.
In it, a trans - man tells how in a conference setting he intentionally repeated a comment that had just been made by a woman.
Innovative security solutions will thrive because there are now so many different platforms encompassing a wide variety of devices and environments.
But you might not be sure how large a mortgage you can realistically afford.
If something is important enough to you, then pursue it with everything you've got.
Only the government knows what is really going on here.
Most research into caffeine's effects on thinking are done with 200 to 300 mg.
But with big data getting bigger and algorithms continually getting smarter, the quality and lead times are only going to improve.
You know what life is like for your user, and you know what problem he wants to solve.
Though we too are always looking for average businesses at great prices, we believe the tight P / E distribution creates a different opportunity.
Her devotion to the subject of privacy, which she says is essential in a free society, stems from her upbringing.
An MP3 downloadable audio file will also be available at the same location.
Not much is known about the technical details of this digital currency yet.
Interest is how places like banks, loan companies, and car dealerships make money.
Which is why all their campaign promises disappeared from their website the day after the election.
So where are people in their 20s and early 30s going to get their advice?
My small but close community here is working hard to develop what we can to provide alternatives.
Many startups have become popular simply on the basis of being easier to use than other kinds of software that have poor user experiences.
Investors will almost always be interested in hearing why an entrepreneur chose to found a company, manufacture a certain product, or work within a particular industry.
So there are times when we'll write a completely normal fine caption that makes sense for the story.
Another strategy worth trying is getting folks across the company to take turns in providing customer support during busy times.
Check out the infographic below to find out more about the different ways companies are taking part in the self - driving revolution.
Experts said that paying banks to lend has never been tried by one of the world's major central banks.
Articles on lifestyle, technology and travel, personal finance, and business can also be found here.
Negative reviews can often be seen as a red flag or even prompt you to do some more research.
If things are great right now, enjoy it.
The survey spoke with 1,500 businesses around the world who are already using the platform.

Phrases with «to be that»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z