Sentences with phrase «to convey to the reader»

Not only does your resume have to contain the right information it has to be capable of conveying it to the reader very quickly.
You understand this but you don't convey this to your readers: Doing nothing or doing little eliminates the uncertainty.
On the contrary, a poorly designed book cover conveys to the readers that author does not care much about the book and I am sure you don't want to take chances here.
A profile is fundamentally different from an objective in that it is employer - centered, conveying to the reader what you offer them, rather than what you want from them.
A cover letter that is well written conveys to the reader that you are organized, detailed, and understand how to communicate in writing.
If Elena Gorokhova's splendid second memoir merely conveyed to readers a vivid, almost visceral understanding of the...
Depending on the length and complexity of your book, you might need more than one table of contents to best convey to readers how to find the information they're looking for in your text.
A reader from Utrecht, Guido Bik, added a longer but must - read comment to try to better convey to readers how the Dutch system looks:
The Genesis of Perfection is a striking achievement, a model of biblical scholarship that combines intellectual adventure with a loving fidelity to tradition, and effectively conveys to the reader a full measure of the pleasure that the author obviously had in writing it.
It is difficult to convey to readers who came of age in the 1970s or thereafter the emotional power of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and early 1960s.
I went with «Lightning Rider» because I felt it had more chance to immediately convey to the reader that this is a story with a paranormal or sci - fi aspect.
So while it is clearly very important for a book's cover to be striking, it is even more important that the title of your book is legible and the cover's design conveys to the reader the genre and tone of the book.
William Miller's wise and gentle words convey to the reader the power of music to soothe the human soul and transport us from our mundane lives to the land of our dreams.
The tone may not vary quite as much as it does with fiction work, but you still want to convey to your reader whether your book is dire serious, tongue - in - cheek, or «a difficult subject made reader friendly.»
Have an outline on what would be conveyed to the readers on the subject.
Decide what you want to convey to readers about you in your author headshot — studiously sexy, geeky glam, adventurous, goofy, beautiful, serious or shy.
Those three words accurately presented the message I wanted to convey to my readers so I went -LSB-...]
«Game journalists often have wrong, or incorrect ideas about what a review score conveys to the reader
That you have to decide how to proceed as many times I have shared the similar analysis in this blog and also conveyed to readers that Insurance and Investment should not be mixed together.
In the resume outline you tried to come up with a way to organize your resume, but with the formatting you must convey to the reader just how good of a candidate you really are.
Maps are incredible for the amount of digestible information they can quickly convey to a reader.
Our reviewer writes, «If Elena Gorokhova's splendid second memoir merely conveyed to readers a vivid, almost visceral understanding of the sometimes paralyzing sense of dislocation she experienced arriving in the United States in 1980 from the Soviet Union, that alone would be reason enough to read it.»
it's a way of conveying to the reader that hey, i'm not only super-accomplished in my professional life, but i also have outside interests and strengths as well.
By analyzing your work through these different lenses, you'll have a wider perspective of what your story is trying to say, and the different ways you can weave together your message in order to best convey it to the reader.
20 This is the meaning that John intended this story to convey to his readers, and in Mark too the form in which the crucial part of the proceedings is related is so like the language of his account of the last supper that a similar meaning is suggested.
If, for example, you seek to convey to readers a sense of teacher salaries, it matters whether you report beginning salaries or those at the top rung; whether the focus is on the mean or the median; whether fringe benefits as well as cash wages are included; and whether, for perspective, teacher salaries are set alongside the earnings of bus drivers or neurosurgeons.
This extraordinary memoir is an unprecedented glimpse into the psyche of a young girl in free fall and conveys to readers - including parents and survivors of abuse - just how completely a pedophile enchants his victim and binds her to him.
Carefully assess and understand what your paper should convey to the readers.
These should convey to the reader, clearly and with impact, what kind of book they've come across, whetting their appetite to find out more.
There are different ways by which the contents of a book can be conveyed to the reader
Arab culture is very much connected to music, poetry, dance, and storytelling, and I wanted to convey that to my readers, some of whom may not be aware of that part of Arab culture.
If Elena Gorokhova's splendid second memoir merely conveyed to readers a vivid, almost visceral understanding of the sometimes paralyzing sense of dislocation she experienced arriving in the United States in 1980 from the Soviet Union, that alone would be reason enough to read it.
She is quite eccentric and a very unreliable narrator, so that has to be conveyed to the reader.
At the conclusion of the exchange, Jim Thomas requested that the following message be conveyed to readers of the forum:
As an example, «10 Things You Need to Know about Compliance» conveys to readers that your paper offers tangible, rapidly digestible facts.
The letter should convey to the reader that applicant is competent, courteous and confident.
Perhaps the most important aspect of your cover letter, however, is the tone you convey to the reader.
Perhaps the most important are the structured format and the tone that is conveyed to the reader.
That will convey to the reader that your skills, experience, education, or frankly, your personality, is lacking.
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