Sentences with phrase «to cook in bulk»

I'm a big proponent of cooking in bulk, so why the small batch?
Many of our patients and customers cook in bulk for two weeks at a time.
You can serve with rice, which you can also cook in bulk ahead of time.
I'm all about cooking in bulk too so I can divide it into little containers for a quick weeknight meal.
I order all of the herbs and spices I use in cooking in bulk since this saves money and since we use a lot of them by cooking 2 - 3 times a day.
A slow cooker is a good investment if you are trying to cook in bulk while incorporating more protein into your diet.
Or even the food preparation itself when we can save time on cooking in bulk.
I find that cooking in bulk means I don't have to be in the kitchen all day everyday.
If they go off before you eat them then buying and cooking in bulk becomes much less cost effective.
This recipe is great to cook in bulk so you have a delicious veggie option you can pair together with almost anything.
Lasagne is the easiest and best at being kept in the freezer when cooking in bulk.
This Cottage Pie recipe is excellent to use for big families by cooking in bulk and freezing the portions.
In our modern age, I know it's not always convenient or possible to home cook every meal and for that reason, I suggest cooking in bulk when you have the time so you can just reheat leftovers at a later time when time is less of a commodity.
If you're cooking in bulk for your little one, baby food processors are great time - savers and help you achieve ideal, consistent textures.
Sometimes this means refiguring the list right in the aisle, but if it means I can buy a little extra of what's on sale it helps me stock a real food pantry and put the money - saving power of cooking in bulk to work.
While I'll always think about cooking this way, lately I've been inspired to improve upon my methods and here's what I'm doing instead: I come up with one item I can cook in bulk and three possible meals using the dish before I even begin cooking.
Slow cookers are brilliant for cooking beans, especially when you're cooking them in bulk.
Cook in bulk, doubling a recipe so you can eat the leftovers throughout the week or freeze them for next week.
It's a perfect size for us to meal prep and cook in bulk.
If you follow my tips for cooking in bulk you will be able to create easy recipes like this based off of what you already have... [Read more...]
Dinner can be cooked in bulk every third day.
It takes still more time to shop and cook in bulk, and to make presents instead of buying them.
Forage down through the icy layers, and you're sure to come across one or two UFOs (Unidentified Frozen Objects) in bags, things you cooked in bulk and froze for a day when they might come in handy, if it weren't so hard to work out what they are.
This recipe is deal to cook in bulk and keep on hand ready to heat.
Cook it in bulk and keep it on hand to heat and eat.
There is nothing wrong with meat, veggies and sweet potato, but what I really want is to have a good selection of easy, tasty, nutrient dense recipes that I can cook in bulk and freeze.
Buy and cook in bulk.
We can save ourselves lots of time and money if we cook in bulk.
There are lots of recipes you can cook in bulk, for example we can make a big pot of soup or stew or a large stir fry.
I cook in bulk and make a lot of the same things over again as well.
Items such as rice, beans and potatoes can be cooked in bulk and used over a few meals.
Give this a try, you won't be disappointed (just me sure to cook in bulk)!
-LSB-...] Comments TweetIn my Real Food Survival Guide for Working Moms post one of my main tips was cooking in bulk and storing items in your freezer for when you do not -LSB-...]
A lunch of hardy homemade soup and bread, cooked in bulk and frozen in individual containers for the week, will cost less than a dollar a day.
The book starts out with a number of a discussion of different noteworthy ingredients and a guide on how to use the book to cook in bulk (hooray for meal prep), make freezer - friendly recipes, pack and transport the noms for portable meals, and build well - balanced meals!
Most of the recipes on this list are pretty cheap to make, especially when you cook in bulk.
You can cook in bulk, and freeze so you do not have to cook daily.
«It urges people to return to habits their mothers or grandmothers would have been familiar with: buying locally in - season products, cooking in bulk and in pots with lids or pressure cookers, avoiding waste and walking to the shops - alongside more modern tips such as using the microwave and internet shopping.
Whether it's learning how to grocery shop, how to plan menus based on what's available, how to cook in bulk and save portions for other recipes, or how to think in advance (setting beans to soak, mixing dough to rise, pickling veggies, marinating meat), these practices are much better taught by cookbooks, with lengthy introductions, and by watching older generations in the kitchen.
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