Sentences with phrase «to feel safe at school»

, 45 % of students say they do not feel safe at school and 81 % say bullying is a significant problem.
Do you think about 59 percent of your student body feels safe at school, or do you think your students might feel more or less positively than that broad statistic?
The watchdog found that leaders had not done enough to make pupils feel safe at the school, or to ensure regular attendance among all groups of pupils.
A school climate survey taken by students and staff last year shows that 52 percent of students say they don't feel safe at the school.
A strong relationship with a teacher helps a child feel safe at school and empowers teachers in their role.
«We need to know what we can do to make students feel safe at school, as research has found if students do not feel physically or emotionally safe at school, they can become detached and their academic success at risk.»
I will participate in all of these walkouts and I will have my friends do it with me so I can finally feel safe at school,» Allen said.
Feeling safe at school from potential violence and health hazards is critical to effective learning and teaching, and International Horizons Unlimited is trying to learn through an Internet survey what educators and the public know about school safety issues.
According to researchers Mary Keegan Eamon and Jun Sung Hong, children in areas with high crime rates viewed their schools as less safe while children who discussed their schoolwork with parents felt safer at school.
In the 2016 - 17 academic year, we had 0 percent suspension rate, 78 percent of students surveyed felt safe at the school, and 83 percent of staff feel that the school handles discipline problems fairly.
Yet, at a time when 35 % of low - income preschoolers are overweight or obese, 40 % of elementary schools have eliminated or are considering eliminating recess, and a time when 38 % of U.S. students report always feeling safe at school, and only 17 states have anti- bullying statutes, should we say anymore?
Student Perceptions of School Safety Studies show that students who do not feel safe at school stay home.
Whether it's a teacher, a nurse, or the principal, the child needs to have someone they feel comfortable talking to and confiding in to ultimately feel safe at school.
Measures of school climate include rates of suspensions and expulsions, data about school bullying, and survey results showing if students and teachers feel safe at school and if students are receiving the support they need to thrive.
Here are some excerpts: A safe and caring school climate includes feeling safe at school, feeling part of decision — making, and having a sense of school connectedness, which «is the belief by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals» (CDC, 2009b, SAMHSA Toolkit, p. 12).
In their report, inspectors tell how pupils once «dreaded» going to school but that «all of the large number of pupils who spoke with inspectors said that they now feel safe at school
In a study of students in the Chicago Public School District grittier kids are more likely to graduate even when matched on family income, standardized tests, and feeling safe at school compared to other kids
As a point of comparison, over 95 % of students who had not been bullied or cyberbullied felt safe at their school.
The Catholic nature of the school helps our children feel safe at school keeps learning wholesome and friendly and helps filter - out some of the cultural craziness that can not be filtered - out at public schools while still keeping the curriculum up - to - date with modern science and current events.
Shaker High senior Samantha Allen told Tonko that after Parkland she doesn't feel safe at school, even with reassurances from school officials.
«Effective teaching and learning can not take place unless students feel safe at school, «U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said.
«It's so important to be educated, and to be educated in a productive sense is to feel safe at school,» Suzanna Barna, 17, said.
Every child should feel safe at school and wherever they spend their time.
I think he's finally relaxing and feeling safe at school, after three years.
The study also found that nearly two - thirds (64 percent) of the students who experienced cyberbullying stated that it really affected their ability to learn and feel safe at school.
• Notably, nearly two - thirds (64 percent) of the students who experienced cyberbullying said that it really affected their ability to learn and feel safe at school.
Among those middle and high school students who had the lowest levels of resilience, their ability to learn and feel safe at school was negatively affected many times.
Say to your child, «I'm really sorry this is happening to you, and I want to help you feel safe at school.
They began to feel safe at school and share more about their lives.
«While most young people enjoy going to school, and feel safe at school, positive school wellbeing in general tends to decline with student age, with Year 8 students in general reporting lower levels of wellbeing related to school experiences than young people in Years 4 and 6.
A child, in order to feel safe at school, needs to know that they can approach any classroom teacher, specialist, principal, teacher's aide, wellbeing support, or business manager, and receive the same response.
The author says «a child, in order to feel safe at school, needs to know that they can approach any [staff member] and receive the same response».
Students being healthy and feeling safe at school are among our family and community goals.
And 24 percent of nonscholarship students said they didn't feel safe at school, compared with 9 percent of choice students (see Figure 2).
Interestingly, feeling safe at school and feeling connected to school were the school climate factors found to be most protective of students» mental and emotional wellbeing following transition.
To help every student feel safe at school, Lakeside took on a precursor to fighting — and one of the most serious behavior issues facing schools today: bullying.
Nor of the fact just 8 % of religious private school students reported that physical violence was a big problem and 7 % that they did not feel safe at their school, as compared with 39 % and 27 %, respectively, of public school students.
At Coliseum Elementary, 45 % of students say they do not feel safe at school and 81 % say bullying is a significant problem.
Do your students feel safe at school?
The report also measured school climate, with 43 percent of students, 69 percent of staff and 48 percent of parents rating that they felt safe at school.
While 66 percent of students feel safe in their classes, only 59 percent say they feel safe at school in general.
Ofsted reported in November that «some pupils do not feel safe at school and do not report issues to adults».
«If we can't help protect kids and staff, and make them feel safe at school, then everything else that we do is secondary,» said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
There was a positive impact of Playworks on teachers» reports of students using positive, encouraging language; teachers» perceptions of the extent to which students felt safe at school; and teachers» perceptions of the extent to which students felt safe and included during recess.
After controlling for baseline ratings of school safety, students in elementary schools where «peace areas» were implemented in classrooms were more likely to say «I feel safe at my school» than students in schools where peace areas were implemented with less fidelity.
I attribute this frequency to the ease and comfort in such organizations serving as as concrete assurances that there is at least some space in which a student can feel safe at their school.
«I just want to get back to the 50 kids in my [baseball] program, the 172 students [in science] and the 3,000 kids that I love and just hug them and let them know I'll do anything in my power to help them feel safe at school,» he said.
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