Sentences with phrase «to feel things»

You normally don't feel those things in this car segment.
Then, because you feel ownership over it, you start feeling things like pride — or even guilt if you run the situation badly.
But because highly sensitive people feel things more deeply, they'll hold onto criticism longer than someone not so sensitive.
Even if the little guy kicks you from the inside, you won't feel a thing with the cushion this pillow offers.
I'm the sort of person who feels things intensely, and writing is an emotional outlet just as much as it is a creative and professional one.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll smile, you'll shake your head and you'll feel things for these characters!
I've never felt things so deeply as this very thing and as you know, it can crumble me in an instant.
It is also important to note that children with ADHD tend to be very emotional beings who feel things deeply and personally.
In fact, users won't even feel a thing.
This month, however, I can feel things starting to come full circle.
As writers we know how to tell a story and make people feel things with words, but for some writers, going out into the field and working with people can be scary.
I think it is important to let yourself really feel things and just naturally react the way your body wants to.
I am 50 and have been feeling things going on in my body that I do not like.
Conversely, about 15 % of the total number of adults who were asked felt these things only a little of the time, or none of the time.
We atheists may still feel these things, but we have experiences or education that leads us away from jumping to the supernatural assumption.
Start to feel those things now and that is what you will begin to experience.
Sometimes, when the needles are inserted, I barely feel a thing!
Working with your natural energies can help you start not only seeing but actually feeling things change for the better.
I can actually feel things happening in my body from head to toe.
I think we need to be able to express and feel some things on our own, independent of a group.
You are right to feel these things before dropping a large sum of money.
You can easily maneuver the stroller and you will not feel a thing while pushing the stroller.
She began to feel things again, as she became friendly with the mother and sister.
I just don't feel things happen without cause.
I totally understand, because I once felt those things.
But then we also feel things based on what we see.
If they go out there feeling things out to see if they need the A game, the A game gets harder to bring.
You know - I'm too busy feeling things, I can't be bothered to write.
As far as opposite sex bathrooms, we are slowly getting there with our oldest, 5.5 and I have to say it's a gut feeling thing.
Her fingers should be free so that she can touch and feel things around her.
Yes, the lifestyle I'm cultivating has reduced the amount of time I spent feeling those things, but it doesn't feel like the happiness I've been seeking.
My hearing loss has given me the ability to feel things deeper, to hear with my hands and my eyes and my heart a little more strongly.
Since I was feeling all things spring, I totally had to rock out in this dress to begin the week.
The movie is, at times, visually stunning enough to give you at least five minutes out of ninety that make you maybe feel a thing.
Fishing is a nice little distraction if you ever feel things getting repetitive.
Taking turns can mean feeling things out but it is sometimes hard to know whether the tables are turning or if we are going in circles.
Children with ADHD often feel things more intensely than their peers.
But instead of fixing their feelings, practice feeling things together.
If your spouse has committed any of these acts, you probably feel things like betrayal, anger, grief, and you might even blame yourself.
As my adult life has required me to feel things more powerfully, I try to match the pitch of my paintings to this new range of my feelings.
The reason is because you literally can't feel a thing when you breastfeed!
«You could feel things changing,» she says.
I think there's still a lot to be said for bricks - and - mortar shops where you can touch and feel things before you buy.
When you decide to feel things in a deliberate effort to heal, you end up releasing and letting them go.
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