Sentences with phrase «to nail someone to a cross»

Take away all the embellishments and atonement myths as pictured in the cartoon and you have just another Jewish rebel / preacher man who made a commotion in the Jewish temple and got nailed to a cross for transgressing Roman law.
Look, your sins, your rejection of God, your unbelief, those things were nailed to the cross of Christ 2 thousand years ago.
He was nailed to a cross for his «great crimes.»
I have seen a black representation of JC nailed to a cross as well.
There is talk about a slain lamb, freed slaves, a high priest offering himself as a sacrifice on the altar, the canceling of a bond and nailing it to a cross in public, — all of this and more can seem quite bizarre today.
Jews call for miracles, Greeks for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ — yes, Christ nailed to the cross, and though this is a stumbling block to Jews and Greeks alike, he is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
They read the Bible and they see that they have been forgiven of this sin, and that this sin was nailed to the cross with Christ, but for some reason, they just can't get rid of it.
It is a sick world where a dead person nailed to a cross is a sign of peace and love.
Just because they didn't nail him to the cross themselves, doesn't lessen their guilt.
Hypothetically speaking, what if some people flog you with a cat of 9 tails whip until you have so much flesh ripped off that you are a living, breathing, walking zombie and then make you carry a massive cross about 5 miles and then nail you to that cross?
so you love a 2000 year old dead man who is nailed to a cross who them supposedly rose from the dead on the third day to scare a few into the belief of him as the messiah... sounds and a tad necromancish if you ask me.
It was a drawing of a third - century amulet depicting a naked man nailed to a cross.
«Oh Lord, send me my rent money»... «Lord, let me find some money here on the street»... «Lord...» Jesus said «sh $ t man, I can't take this, just nail me to the cross».
And more than weep, he let those same turkeys nail him to a cross, that those turkeys could be restored to a right relationship with Himself.
It's not like the people He came to love nailed Him to a cross.
And that year, just as the lamb without blemish was being slain in Jerusalem, as his blood was pouring out upon the altar in the temple, there was another Lamb — with a capital «L» — the Lamb of God, being nailed to a cross outside of Jerusalem, on a hill called Calvary.
The law was a school master we are no longer under, also Paul in collosians says it was against us and Jesus took it out of the way nailing it to the cross.
The whole idea of Jesus «having» to die on the cross was an invention of the writer os John's gospel to explain why the «Messiah» got his nailed to a cross.
There may well have been a mad scholar wandering around Judeah in the reign of Augustus caesar, who was eventually nailed to a cross.
It certainly is logical and rational for one to believe that a God who is Love would never nail us to a cross.
Maybe the thief of the cross could not be water immersed, well because he was nailed to a cross at the time and God made and exception for him via Mercy.
We can live the kind of life that looks like one nailed to a cross on behalf of others.
Would the same Roman soldiers nail him to the cross a second time?
He let his son be tortured beyond anything you can imagine, and nailed to a cross left to suffer and die so you could be in Heaven with him one day.
I think Peter and the Apostles would have been rather surprised at the concept that Christ had been scourged and beaten by soldiers, cursed and crowned with thorns and subjected to unutterable contempt and finally nailed to the cross and left to bleed to death in order that we might all become gentlemen.»
I'm positive I have read some time back that the «law of tithing» had remained dead and nailed to the cross until a few centuries ago when the young catholic church brought it back as a means of fleecing the flock.
It is, however, as far as I know, the only survival sim in which you tweak the size your character's personal areas while they hang nailed to a cross, their breasts or scrotum flapping this way and that in the breeze as if being teased by a vacuum cleaner.
But they also believe that this God thing engineered that his only [begotten] son would end up nailed to a cross.
God was at the same place He was when His only begotten son was nailed to the cross by men.
Jesus never said, «god's first laws will be nailed to the cross with me.»
They needed to be among the assembly yesterday of about 3000 believers in three different services that heard the message of the cross given and the simple message of the gift of eternal life by believing in the one that was nailed to the cross for our sins.
But as I tell people, at least they didn't nail me to a cross.
And you would nail us to the cross over five, and those five with complex translation / socio - historic issues to boot.
Neither one of you would have had his courage to face roman soldiers ready to beat him to near death, and then nail him to a cross to die as he bled to death, naked.
In response, five people nailed themselves to crosses, an increasingly common form of protest in Paraguay that the Roman Catholic Church has condemned but has often been successful, according to The LA Times.
13 «I resolved that while I was with you I would think of nothing but Jesus Christ — Christ nailed to the cross.
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