Sentences with phrase «to pray in public»

If you think they should be charged, do you think that all people who pray in public places should be charged?
NEVER take a person to court, keep your women silent and NEVER pray in public.
If it's not an important issue to religious people, why do they insist on praying in a public government meeting that is supposed to be open to all?
Go pray in public, don't try to make a show out of being faithful just for the benefits of others.
On the issue of school prayer, the authors» statement that students may not pray in public schools is simply false.
6) More division: some defend Tiggy & Nakedpastor, some defend Amos and Fishon 7) Amos repents for praying in public
While I highly doubt that God plays a role in determining which teams win which games, I don't have a problem with Tebow praying in public during games simply because, from what we can tell so far, he walks the talk.
Here Jesus again points to the self - display of the Pharisees who liked to be seen praying in public.
If a Christian prayed in public in a typical Muslim country, they'd be executed.
not what the founding fathers intended... especially in light of places like England in those times who say that you have to be a Catholic to be considered English... we have FREEDOM to PRACTICE our religion here... I have FREEDOM to pray in a PUBLIC place... ANYTIME I want to pray...
Its not just Americans worried about what some Muslim group praying in public / on a plane may be planning!
This concept can also be found in Matthew 6 were, it does say for those who pray in public beleive they will be heard for their * many * words.
Should Christians make a show of praying in public?
christians cant pray in public, have nativty displayed in public, no 10 commandments in public, and an atheist gets punched in the face.
And as for # 2 it is not do not pray in public ever, more to the point of do not pray for the sake of just beeing seen as in the next verse «for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking».
P6: Tebow claims to be a Christian but does NOT following the teachings and commandments in the bible by praying in public C: Tebow is a hipocrite.
When the soldier refused, citing a Supreme Court ruling that states there was no requirement to pray in public ceremonies, the officer then took the matter to the platoon sergeant, who also told the soldier to bow their head for uniformity purposes, according to Patrick Jones, a Ft. Jackson Public Affairs Officer.
My advise: to Xtians: stop praying in public, silence you women in churches and carry a mean snake and bottle of cyanide at all times to show everyone the miracles of God.
It's odd that they find so many folks to demonize because of arcane biblical passages yet continue to pray in public despite the pointed criticism of such actions by their Creator.
Matthew 6:5 - 6 strictly FORBIDS you from praying in public.
I don't think you breast feeding in public is any more offensive or notable than me quietly praying in public, but if you try to force your beliefs on me, I am going to push back.
The Northern elders instigated all this & now it is getting out of hands now that that they cant move freely on the street, no longer pray in public mosques, they now want state of emergency.
Passionate about making sure people can pray in public schools...
Didn't Jesus speak out about those who pray in public to be seen praying?
The Bible also says that women should keep silent in the churches and that a Xtian should never pray in public.
Folks like you want to take away the right of people to pray in public.
One may question what his motives are when he prays in public.
The Bible teaches the hypocrisy in men that prayed in public to get the public's attention and to seem wise in front of their eyes.
Why does the Atheist care if I want to pray in public, or that I am just given the opportunity to pray if I am not trying to force him / her to do anything?
Why should people not be allowed to pray in public?
Of course the other bible edict stating to pray in public is a big ol' Class A sin that won't hand you the remote to open the Pearly Gates... is breached each miserable Sunday you show up to fawn at the foot of some podium pounding bible pimp.
So get over yourself if gays and atheist can go freely enjoying what ever you do then I as a Christian can do the same without being told I am not aloud to pray in public..
To pray in public is nothing new.
How stupid are we people that we need a court order to pray in public?
Their god requires you to pray in public, and to force others to listen, in order to exercise your faith?
Sometimes these are people who could not pray in public and were not comfortable teaching Sunday school.
And back to the larger point you tried to avoid, why do you feel the need to pray in public when your own Christ told you that it gives you no reward other than getting to look or feel pius in front of other humans?
As for praying in public, Jesus also prayed in public.
For those that have prayer as part of your religious tradition that think it should be no big deal for atheists (or anyone else who don't want to pray in public) to play - act and pray anyway for the discount, what if the restaurant owner offered a discount for anyone that openly worshipped Satan?
It was named «Praying in public» discount because they had to call it something for the point of sale system.
We know this because Jesus then goes on to... you guessed it... pray in public
As far as you praying in public, there should be some sort of courtousy regarding that.
Why do you have to pray in public — why can't you go home and pray??
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