Sentences with phrase «to say to that»

I do not say this to make light of your feelings or situation or make a joke.
They were unable to provide a sample or template for a mortgage letter of explanation, but they did say to keep it simple.
Let her say all the things she can't say to people who don't have children or people who managed to potty train their kid in a damn day.
The unnamed youngster, who is said to come from a family of Christian heritage, was previously placed with two Muslim foster families.
I often say to people that this modern era of self publishing is like stumbling across a field where you know gold is to be found.
Here, five things you should never say to someone with eczema (or any skin condition, for that matter).
I'm a person that loves to busy herself, but I never say no to anyone when they ask for my help.
I always say to everyone who's listening to me that the more creative process you have, the better you are.
We are certainly not saying to get rid of that side of yourself.
The bible is so said to be go's word but who put it together?
For adults, it helps blood pressure and is even said to improve stamina.
I think this dress looks fab on you and I am happy that you did not pay attention to what anyone said to you!
A wise person once said to me that there are three versions of every story: yours, mine, and the truth.
Among the things said to be remarkable about his resume is his apparent ability to work with liberals and conservatives.
In reality scripture says to work hard and be rewarded for your contribution to the community.
I do not believe in giving all my money to the rich, as the word of god says to help those in need.
I'm not saying to change if things are working well.
Added to meat when recipe said to do so.
She also says to continue nursing when you're together, as baby is ideally the best way to keep up your supply.
Wait, didn't we just say to use open shelves?
I agree with another poster who said to check the inventory before going — I had that issue when I was going to buy my new desk.
When a lot of people say to save 3 - 6 months worth of emergency funds, I did and still do around a year of emergency funds.
You can't say its fine to disagree with you and then say that to disagree with you is to reject god and earn his punishment..
Question though, the recipe calls for baking powder, but the directions say to add baking soda.
That is the first time I ever remember saying to him (and myself) that maybe I was spending too much money, that I had to watch my budget.
Every recipe says to remove from heat right away once it reaches hard crack temp, and I don't want to burn it.
I would also say to start with generic formula.
If you want to become an expert at something, it means saying no to other opportunities — at least for now.
Never say no to offers of free money from the government.
It meant saying no to other things, but it also showed us priorities.
That's why I didn't say to ask him why he didn't call you as much, but more that you love it when he does.
She even said to put a little bit of cereal in his milk.
The instructions say to only use a tablespoon or two per wash load, but to use more if you have hard water.
The display is said to allow for a screen - to - body ratio of over 98 %, which would almost eliminate bezels.
But if the stock should drop lower, say to $ 4, or $ 3, he can buy it at that price rather than $ 5.
It was previously said to feature two new main characters and reach a global scale.
While my lashes are not quite as dark as I would like right now, it does say to try for 2 to 4 weeks.
These are the very things which may be said to constitute the raw material of the spirituality of the coming global culture.
That's not too surprising given that they are also said to love to talk!
The disposal of the bank's life insurance unit is now said to be imminent.
It also emphasizes the importance of white space and may be said to favour landscape painting over portrait art, or figure painting.
Ironically all of this information flying around is pretty stressful — something everything says to avoid.
Some people do say to give about a tablespoon of water after each solid meal, though.
I love my neutrals but I can't say no to really nice jewel tones.
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