Sentences with phrase «to see someone in game»

This may sound trivial, but to me, this was the single greatest thing I've ever seen in a game before.
The story gave everything a nice background while not taking itself too seriously, which is nice to see in a game like this.
It's fun, once again it nothing you haven't seen in these games before but everything works nicely, the puzzles are fun to solve and get more challenging as you progress.
Interested in other features you would like to see in the game before release?
It introduced the gaming world to a gritty cover - based shooting mechanic that can still be seen in games today.
A lot of the lines I've seen highlighted have been without context, and having seen them in the game in action, they make a lot more sense.
The level of choice involved in this game is astounding, something that you so rarely see in games these days.
That was such a cool game with a really unique vibe that i've never seen in another game since.
The wind and weather effects seen in game so far, feel like real weather.
The quality of the animations was truly amazing at the time of the game's original release, and even now several years on they're among the best yet seen in a game.
A challenge that's actually not often seen in any game nowadays.
In fact the game boasts some instances of solid acting, which is something not usually seen in a game with this sort of budget.
Last but not least, one of the worst mechanics seen in any game for a while, the chase scenes.
This is something the creators made clear, that their game is time period correct with everything seen in game.
This allows the story to be driven not only by speech and text, but subtle gestures that give each character a wider depth than we have ever seen in games industry.
And I was really impressed since it's not something you really see in the games... or necessarily in the anime for that matter.
This adds a whole new aspect to the game play and creates a unique experience that I have only seen in this game.
The art in the game is of pretty consistently high quality, and has a look that one doesn't often see in games anymore.
It gives a sense of realism that you just don't see in games too often.
We see it every day in practice then see it in games.
I literally have nothing good to say about this game and I'm not sure what other people see in this game to rate it so high.
This is a sentiment I don't always see in games.
One of the patterns you can see in game development is people getting bored and wanting to start something new.
But with three other players, it affords a kind of creativity and coordination that one doesn't normally see in games.
What type of things would a publisher likely see in a game proposal or pitch from Factor 5?
It was the first game I remember playing that felt like a movie, and being such had some of the best characters ever seen in a game, and that includes the bosses.
Probably the best story I've seen in a game in many many years.
This is the only class I believe that I never saw in a game.
The results are more unsettling than anything we've yet seen in the game itself.
Players may even encounter enemies that are more difficult compared to anything that has been seen in the game so far.
Each one has their own personal visual quirks which makes them far more interesting than the generic enemies we often see in games.
Simple easy story to follow with a little twist you don't see in games anymore.
The off - screen footage shows a brand new board that was not seen in the game's first trailer or demo.
They seem to like this style as seen in games like Energy Invasion, with the constantly moving backdrop and the neon - coloured orbs.
The level design was some of the most creative ever seen in any game of any genre, the gameplay additions (such as Dixie and Cranky) were terrific and meaningful, and the soundtrack (composed by the legendary David Wise) is one of the finest in gaming history.
Toad has also been shown to be able to perform a spin jump as seen in games such as Mario Sports Mix.
Holding is a liability as seen in our game against Liverpool last season, Against Chelsea in CS and yesterday.
At that point I had no idea what to expect from the game anymore, I just knew that it had no hope of matching the potential I first saw in the game after so many years and so much retooling.
Check out the launch trailer released today to see some of the massive creatures you can expect to see in the game when it comes out tomorrow for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.
EA and DICE revealed that they have read and listened to the feedback from the Battlefront II beta and as such have altered the progression system that will be seen in the game at launch.
Last night was my first true run with multiplayer in Halo MCC and so with only the original Xbox and 360 games as a frame of reference I dove in... only to find that the quality of experience here on Xbox One to be quite possibly the worst I've ever seen in a game from the franchise.
We've heard plenty about the 21 - year - old midfielder since his loan spell with Genoa ended a little earlier than originally planned, but we haven't actually seen him in a game yet.
«I thought a game based around this scenario would be a really interesting opportunity to explore themes that are really relevant and important to my life, and yet I don't see them in any games made previously.
Aside from wielding his sword like a master, he can use magical Signs as seen in the games by CD Projekt RED.
Today's Persona 4: Arena character profile, courtesy of Atlus, focuses on the familiar face that you've probably seen in the games artwork and on the various news stories we posted about Persona 4: Arena and Persona 4: Golden in the -LSB-...]
Titan Quest is getting an expansion, adding a loads of new features and an entire fifth act larger than anything seen in the game so far.
There is a subtle ink style to the character models, stages, and effects that give a very manga - like presentation, which also has a similar feel to the same style seen in a game like Street Fighter 4.
Following up on last month's Sweetest Home Ever challenge on the Happy Home Network, a preview for the second challenge hitting in November can be seen in game right now.
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