Sentences with phrase «to show to someone»

Our aim is to identify interventions and approaches that, if shown to be successful, could be taken on by other schools.
Sleep deprivation is also shown to reduce cognitive ability, reduce emotional stability, decrease immune system functions and decrease physical coordination.
While these vitamins can help replace those that are missing due to the user's decreased eating, they are not shown to help promote weight loss.
Love watching Spanish TV shows to improve your Spanish?
Solid experience planning and executing exciting trade shows to increase brand awareness, build contact lists, and capitalize upon rising industry trends.
This warmer allows for a gradual warm and has been tested on breastmilk and not shown to affect any of the milk's properties.
For example, large SUVs have been shown to cause more damage in accidents.
You mention nuts, but what if you made a point of including a handful of foods which have been clinically shown to lower cholesterol levels?.
It's just that kind of show to me: completely forgettable and somewhat enjoyable.
It is also shown to reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, increase beneficial HDL and boost the metabolism.
The poll found that 40 percent of African American and Hispanic singles said they watched TV shows to get dating advice.
In practice it has not been shown to work for other reasons.
You don't have to watch the conservative talk shows to get a different perspective on the news.
The board is only for show to keep us fans thinking we have a choice in the matter.
Three Western Australian food and beverage producers will be on show to the rest of the world next week when they take part in the nation's largest industry event.
He makes regular appearances on national radio and television shows to discuss personal finance, real estate, mortgages, pensions, and retirement planning.
The hotel also provides shows to keep guests entertained during the evening.
If you're using your blog and social media to share beautiful images and videos from shows to promote the designer and their collection, then I applaud you.
2018 will be our tenth anniversary and we are expecting the best show to date!
I'm blaming it on the fact that the festival was much bigger this year, which meant much more walking around to get from show to show.
After all, it's the biggest organ of the human body and is also the part of the body that is on show to people as well as the elements.
We are always looking for new TV shows to watch so send recommendations our way.
Try using a magazine article or TV show to start talking about sex more generally.
The gallery initially began with group shows, but has since developed to focus on solo shows to provide a more in - depth look at their artistic practices.
Just 20 - 25 minutes of exercise is shown to decrease many behavior problems.
I did come across an article a while back that stated that women require more sleep than a man, I did show this to my husband just to spite him.
We aim for this to largely replace intermittent workshops and conferences, which are not shown to lead to sustained improved practice.
A lot of times they do that at auto shows to protect the interior.
I especially appreciate the willingness that so many have shown to become quite vulnerable when I can facilitate creating a safe place to explore what is often deeply hidden inside each person.
He had previously used slide shows to make his point.
I have other hobbies, but I'm looking for new ones, as well as new shows to watch.
We know they are using auto shows to add or delete brands from their purchase considerations.
Losing just five per cent of body weight has been shown to significantly improve health, including lowering the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
But school choice, in and of itself, has not been shown to produce better results for students.
I like doing this in front of a wall holding my hands out as shown to keep my weight back and my chest up.
This threshold amount has been shown to stimulate muscle building and help maintain lean body mass.
The first winner will be announced this autumn, with a solo show to follow in 2018.
I excel with planning and executing trade shows to increase brand strength / sales in local markets.
Another side benefit of eliminating processed carbs is you'll essentially be gluten free, which has also shown to boost energy in people who aren't even celiac.
Our course is fully animated and includes videos, statistics, and an interactive game show to make the class both stimulating and fast - paced.
Noise has been shown to raise blood pressure and blood - borne concentrations of stress hormones and fatty materials even when people are asleep.
It was such an amazing experience and what a fabulous first show to attend!
It looks like a concept car that's gone straight from motor show to showroom.
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