Sentences with phrase «to spend more time with someone»

We travel or follow different routines while spending more time with family and friends.
Critics of giving pets psychiatric medications argue that owners should rely more on behavioral approaches, such as spending more time with pets, taking them outdoors and using training programs.
I now focus on spending more time with friends and less time on my computer.
When does the student develop the trust with the person who spends more time with them than their parent?
To succeed greatly in sales, you must spend more time with people who are better prospects.
Life is such a precious gift and I have kicked myself every day that I didn't spend more time with my father at that end period.
This raises the question of whether fathers tend to spend more time with children when the mother works, and develop a better relationship with them.
Children who reported that parents spent more time with them and communicated with them more frequently had lower onset rates of using alcohol and tobacco in the last month.
As indicated at the time, the intention was to update this review with additional information later on after spending more time with it.
You can reverse this by spending more time with your daughter and letting her feel that there's nobody in the world.
Teachers, they added, often spend more time with students than their parents and are in a key position to spot such disorders.
I've had the rare privilege of spending more time with my boys than most dads do, and I love it.
Often, divorced fathers spend more time with their children after the divorce than they ever did while the marriage was still intact.
But while spending more time with the written word is pretty much always a good idea, there is another way to increase how much nourishment your brain gets from books.
Ask these questions and then start spending more time with the positive people in your life and less time with the negative ones.
The veterinary technician often spends more time with patients than does the attending veterinarian.
They found that single mothers spend more time with girls and feel closer to girls than to boys, for example.
I probably spend more time with clients than the average resume writer or career coach during the resume writing process, and that's okay with me.
For others, that means spending more time with family, picking up a new hobby, or finally asking for that raise.
So, let us worry about that, so you can focus on spending more time with your family instead.
When your cat goes to the veterinary hospital, she'll probably spend more time with veterinary technicians or other staff members than with the veterinarian.
We all know that children often spend more time with their teachers than with their parents and that teachers have a powerful influence on their students.
After all, your partner will be spending more time with other people than with you.
Teachers can spend more time with kids who are struggling while offering challenging prompts to more advanced groups.
There may be many reasons for these trends, but adults are also spending more time with screens than they used to.
The thinking is that more supportive dads spend more time with their daughters and are liked more by their daughters, which makes dad's features more familiar and liked.
I like helping teachers spend more time with their families and friends.
We hope fans will enjoy spending more time with some of their favorite characters — we have certainly enjoyed spending time creating them.
We see more and more players spending more time with multiplayer and zombies, not just in the game, but out of the game, streaming and talking about it in forums.
Internet users spend more time with social media than any other type of site and it plays a huge role in a promotion process.
This doesn't mean your child loves the other parent any less or wouldn't ultimately benefit from spending more time with him or her.
He's also known for spending more time with pupils than he does in his office.
Turning a hobby into a second career or volunteering for a noble cause or simply spending more time with your family.
Creative solutions can enable older adults to spend more time with pets enjoying the emotional and physical benefits that this bonding experience can bring.
Between 3 to 5 years kids begin to be aware of their gender and begins spending more time with the parent of the opposite gender.
So instead of worrying about spending more time with your kids, just focus making the best of the time you have with your kids.
This approach to school will allow for teachers to spend more time with individuals in need of the most instruction.
If you would like to spend more time with someone then this is easily arranged but equally, if you would like to stop seeing someone, this is easily done too.
And the increased short term health issues are possibly because mom and baby spend more time with only their own germs... and so nobody gets sick.
In most jobs, people spend more time with colleagues than with family and friends, so why not turn professional relationships into real friendships?
Along with spending more time with news on these devices, users are also going more in - depth in their consumption.
If it's a timing issue, consider whether changing your parenting time routine might help your ex spend more time with the children instead of leaving them in the care of others.
Never forget that you will STILL spend more time with your child than the daycare providers.
They can typically spend more time with you than a doctor, both before and during labor, and focus on providing emotional support throughout the experience.
In fact, American children spend more time with electronic media than they do in any other activity, aside from sleep.
Mothers working outside the home today spend more time with their children than at - home mothers did in the 1960s.
I still need to spend more time with super slow motion because I think there are more efficient ways to use this functionality.
Both groups of monkeys spent more time with the cloth mother (even if she had no milk).
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