Sentences with phrase «to support one's own weight»

This helps support the weight of your belly and also limits and prevents stretch marks.
For women, having the right amount of estrogen supports weight loss efforts because it decreases fat storage on a cellular level.
It can be made to easily help support weight loss results instead of having users conform an often tedious, and potentially difficult to maintain diet plan.
Your hands will not support the weight of your body for very long.
* The ingredients in this product not only support your weight management goals, but also support overall health and well - being.
To do this exercise, what you need to do is lean toward the bars supporting your weight with your arms.
You get excellent core training as well, because you're supporting the weight on one shoulder.
I designed this recipe as a way to get optimal nutrients while also supporting weight loss.
Another option is to use resistance bands to help support your weight at the bar, allowing your back muscles to engage and your body to get used to the movement.
Essentially we try to touch the floor between our feet while supporting a weight overhead.
Any exercise burns energy, which supports your weight loss efforts.
They are not only full of vitamins, but also minerals and fiber which is advantageous for the digestive system and even supports weight loss.
They are responsible for supporting the weight of your car and helping to move the wheels smoothly and easily.
The result is a satisfying, delicious smoothie that easily supports your weight loss efforts.
Start out slowly so his muscles and hind end gradually strengthen to better support his weight and compensate for his dysplasia.
Not only is it working to properly support the weight, it's also working to resist gravity.
For children and lighter adults, the bar supports their weight with no issue.
There is little scientific evidence to show these supplements can effectively support weight loss or even that they are safe.
You can use blocks or your hands to support your weight until you become more flexible.
A proper eating plan helped support the weight training and cardio training by providing nutrients for increasing recovery and decreasing fat.
Grain - free it is ideal for pets with sensitivity to grains and is low in fat too so helps support weight control.
It took a couple of months of her wearing the brace when she went outside, but she quickly began walking with the injured leg supporting her weight again.
When you're doing bench press on a flat bench, this position doesn't matter because your core is not actually supporting the weight.
The sturdy frame supports their weight to keep them safe and protected.
But when you walk on the beach, the sand supports your weight like a solid.
It also improves your athletic performance, thus supporting your weight loss efforts at the gym.
Many clinical studies support the weight loss benefits of green tea.
The water supports your weight so you avoid injury and muscle strain.
Lastly, because your lower body supports your weight, your hips and glutes will be strengthened at the same time your balance and coordination improves.
Now, any energy burned supports your weight loss efforts, of course, but my point is it's not enough to just exercise without also knowing how to regulate your food intake.
These joints support the weight of your entire body when you are upright, help you to balance as you walk, and absorb shock to the spine.
The thick crust supports the weight of the custard - like topping nicely.
As the wheels support the weight of your infants, we have engineered the strongest possible wheels.
This sling is one of the most popular options due to its luxurious Belgian linen fabric that is breathable and strongly supports the weight of your child without slipping.
And your body can feel worn out from constantly supporting the weight of another person.
So, much to my surprise, I ended up supporting her weight more that usual because I was trying to keep it from breaking.
The extra padding on the ergonomic hip belt helps to spread and support the weight over your hip effectively.
Do not feed any solids including cereal to a baby who can not yet support the weight of her own head while sitting.
When you are buying the jogging strollers, you need to check whether or not the stroller supports the weight of your kid.
In the long - term, this starch - blocking power can significantly support your weight loss efforts by interfering with enzymes responsible for regulating carbohydrate synthesis and blood glucose concentration.
This delicious and refreshing fruit supports weight loss, increases metabolism, and reduces cholesterol levels.
Protein supplements developed for enhancing weight gain or supporting weight stability are promoted for consuming between meals.
If you tried to support that weight what would happen?
Not easy, but it will surely support your weight loss and develop your endurance.
The pain is made worse by the fact that the back supports the weight of the body when sitting and standing.
It will help to boost your metabolism and curb your appetite as well and thereby supports weight loss and management.
A person supporting weight loss is what has been missing from all the other diets I've tried.
Plus, since you your entire body moves this plan will help you burn calories supporting your weight loss.
With healthy supported weight loss, boosted nutrients and antioxidants, and supple radiant skin you'll feel like you can confidently conquer anything this summer!
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