Sentences with phrase «under the dough»

If you are concerned though, put a piece of parchment paper under your dough before placing into your pot.
Pull the baking sheet out from under the dough, so the parchment is directly on the oven rack.
Again, sprinkle another 1/4 of the sugar under the dough and the remaining 1/4 on top, and again, roll out and fold (turn # 4).
Return the dough to the baking sheet and cover it completely with plastic wrap, tucking the plastic under the dough as if you are tucking it into bed.
Run an offset spatula under the dough, then gently fold it in thirds.
(You can put a piece of parchment under the dough if your Dutch oven isn't enamel coated.)
I placed a lollipop stick under the dough and filled the little heart with crushed hard candy.
You want the parchment paper under the dough inside the dutch oven.
Roll from center of dough to edges with as few passes as possible, running an offset spatula or bench knife under dough to be sure it isn't sticking, giving the dough a quarter turn.
(Optional but worth it, on top of each cookie gently press in a chunk or two of additional Feves, this will insure you have melty chocolate on top of the cookie to and not just under the dough.)
Some describe the motion of this as pressing your pastry scraper under your dough at 3 o'clock and pushing to create a somewhat log shape, then turning the pastry scraper along the table like a steering wheel counter clockwise to 11 o'clock.
Just slide the floss under the dough and then pull it up.
Slide the spatula under the dough to loosen from surface, and place into pie pan.
Use either a serrated knife to cut the roll into 12 even pieces, or you can use a piece of plain floss (slide it under the dough, bring it up, cross over each other, and cut).
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