Sentences with phrase «upon man»

Think of a woman, together with her children, totally dependent economically upon a man who is not her husband.
Such a theory makes man even though it be the ideal man — the measure of human action; and it looks upon man as essentially secure, controlling all the possibilities of action.
The Christian faith, like all religious belief systems, is based upon man's flawed understanding and attempts to explain something way beyond his capacity to understand.
The sheer quantity of material — not to mention quality — represents an awesome demand upon any man.
As are the demands placed upon the men and women who work every day in the bulky suits and restricted environment.
But importantly, this risk depends upon a man's selenium status before taking the supplements.
The woman makes an accusation, the entire weight of society falls upon the man.
The weight of this recession has fallen most heavily upon men, who've suffered roughly three - quarters of the 8 million job losses since the beginning of 2008.
This was not done simply by visiting upon men situations they could not handle or which caused them pain.
The effects spill upon all men and nations, in all time.
At a basic level they play upon men's fears.
While the weight of the nation rests upon the man, we see his struggles directly as they reflect upon his own local surroundings and physical well - being.
And she couldn't really advocate for herself either, in her financial dependency; she had to rely upon men.
Of curse, it's incumbent upon men to work on not imposing those stereotypes on women.
The biblical history is meaningful because it is related at every point to the fundamental reality which lies behind all history and all human experience, which is, the living God in His Kingdom; and because it moves towards a climax in which the Kingdom of God came upon men with conclusive effect.
Unfortunately that belief ends abruptly when a couple of apes innocently stumble upon a man in the forest.
Though in one sense belief in God is the necessary presupposition of belief in miracles, it is not belief in God as an explanation of the phenomena of the world (for the world always hides God, if He does not will to reveal Himself by miracle), but belief as the obedience which is ready to perceive the claim of God upon man in all situations.
This requirement is not that a man should possess a general knowledge that such a thing as a claim of God upon men exists, but that he himself should hear this demand.
There's a certain charm to one day stumbling upon the man of your dreams in the supermarket, striking up a conversation at the deli counter before falling in love and living happily ever after.
Jesus taught that if you had two pairs of shoes and came upon a man with no shoes, you should give him your extra pair.
12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, FOR THAT ALL SINNED:
It means that, as we have seen that many Gnostics did say, that the heavenly Christ only came into the man Jesus for a limited time, that the Christ came upon the man Jesus at the baptism and left him before the suffering and death of the Cross.
That is also the reason why the state exacts a penalty, and some dishonor is imposed upon a man who has taken his own life, on the grounds that he has acted unjustly toward the state....
The second conviction is that any enduring hope must be based, not upon man alone, but upon the fact that God is present in human history, and is there creatively and redemptively at work.
The Need for Religion The consequence of this is that God, as the environer of man, «must from the beginning have acted upon man as the necessary means of the seeking and the attainment of human destiny».
The Church, as Christ the Saviour working upon all men in word, in life and in sacrament, is not accidental or incidental to the order of human history, but part of that order and the sign of the deepest meaning of human culture in time and for eternity.
Present, too, was the emphasis upon manned flight.
The titles of the works tend to talk up their significance — The Death of David Kelly comments upon a man who found himself embroiled in the deadly game of politics.
Niebuhr looked upon man as essentially ambiguous.
The Mormon's faith is based upon a man named Joseph Smith Jr.who claims to have found some lost tablets.
For those that like to Bible thump, the second greatest gift God bestowed upon man was Free Will.
That observation brings to mind the old saw about the two social workers who happen upon a man lying beaten, battered, and bloody in the street.
It must have been teaching about the work of the living and real God and the moral demand which this God made upon all men without exception.
Oh i forgot, the Bible is written by the spirit of God as he moved upon men of like spirit... and you do not have that spirit so the words of the Bible are «alien» to you.
And this burden is just what Jesus puts upon men; he teaches men to see themselves as called to decision — decision between good and evil, decision for God's will or for their own will.
The word «grace» has been almost mined for many thoughtful Christians because it has been mistakenly interpreted as if it means the sheer mercy of God descending upon man apart from any moral demand or human effort.
In conclusion, there is a saying of Jesus which perhaps can show how little it is possible to seek for an ethic of Jesus in the sense of an idealistic doctrine of duties and virtues, or in the sense of an ethic of goods or values; how, on the contrary, the responsibility for all concrete moral decisions is thrust upon man, and these decisions are bound up with the one Either - Or, obedience or disobedience.
= NO Book of Jasher tells us that all the men who walked in the ways of the Lord died in those days, before the Lord brought the evil upon man which he declared, for this was from the Lord, that they should NOT see the evil which the Lord spoke of concerning the sons of men.
Is it to create the knowledge and power of a Judas Iscariot to impose a predetermined order upon men and things?
This horrible treatment inflicted upon man's best friend is unconscionable.
For behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown; and I will multiply people upon you, the whole house of Israel, all of it; the cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt; and I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and be fruitful and I will cause you to be inhabited as in your former times, and will do more good to you than ever before.
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