Sentences with phrase «upper air»

The climate models produce some aspects of the weather reasonably well, but they have yet to demonstrate an ability to confidently predict climate change in upper air temperatures.
Raw upper air data is routinely ingested by numerical models.
If you live somewhere hot in the Summer and you do not have upper air vents in your vehicle, this is a great solution.
The major uncertainties in satellite measurements of upper air temperature are due to sensor and spacecraft biases and instabilities, the characteristics of which need to be estimated by performing satellite intercalibrations during overlapping intervals.
We can see the height at which warm upper air overlays the shallow cooler layer in the picture below indicated by flattening of rising smoke.
Given reliable measurements, as outlined in Recommendation # 1, the level of confidence that can be attached to the trends will increase as the period of record of upper air measurements lengthens.
The really cold Arctic air is only in the lowest regions of the atmosphere (below say 5,000 feet), which GISS would fully see, while the satellite also sees air above 5,000 feet and averages that «warmer» upper air with the cold surface air.
Air pollution generated in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kentucky is carried by upper air currents across the mountaintops of the Adirondack Park, leading to smog, a problem more associated with urban areas.
This is recognized by a feature found in temperature upper air profiles, where as the maxima in temperature shifts from the ground to several hundred meters above.
The pattern of changes between the CSF 2005 and SFZ 2008 upper air model data is complex and varies by pressure level and latitude.
A number of statistical downscaling techniques (see Section 13.4 and Chapter 10, Section 10.6, for definition) used in scenario development employ Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) reanalysis data products as a source of upper air climate data (Kalnay et al., 1996).
A rider to this is that TOA reduction of CO2 IR is self - absorbed thermal emission from dry, cold upper air so no proof of CO2 - AGW.
She sees faint gyres of dust in the hot upper air.
I suggest a flaw in analysis which is the apparent segmentation of the Upper Air profile, in the Arctic, the real action is happening between 1000 and 650 mb, segmenting upper air levels 850,700, and 500 mb reduces resolution and misses some real important air volumes at higher pressures, where anything can happen between 1000 and 850, 850 and 750 mb etc... Raobcore profile looks a little unrealistic, and it is likely that the models are more correct for the lower troposphere than Raobcore.
Basic fields are displayed (surface MSL pressure, temperature, dewpoint, winds), along with short - term (0 - 2 hour) forecasts of upper air conditions.
Their conclusion highlights the influence of upper air dynamics, a globally coherent system, and its importance to the moisture content of air near the surface, a regional phenomenon with strong local patterns.
I calculate closer density weighted temperatures between Arctic and temperate upper air stations, while there may be 25 — 30 C difference between temperate and Arctic surface observations, the DWT temperatures are often less than 10 degrees apart.
«The question was, what would the models «forecast» for upper air climate change over the past 25 years and how would that forecast compare to reality?»
A number of possible research strategies for improving the understanding of uncertainties inherent in the various measurement systems and the relationship between surface and upper air temperature trends are proposed in the report.break
Some have interpreted this apparent discrepancy between surface and upper air observations as casting doubt on the overall reliability of the surface temperature record, whereas others have concluded that the satellite data (or the algorithms that are being used to convert them into temperatures) must be erroneous.
In the piece mentioned two weeks ago (UV Feb. 22; # 337), Dr. Michael Ventrice reached for a forecast of upper air in the West Pacific that called for «two pair» of equator - straddling cyclonic systems — to help give birth to an El Nino.
And so he drew up a grid over Europe, each cell incorporating Bjerknes's weather data, including locational variables such as the extent of open water affecting evaporation, and five vertical divisions in the upper air.
«Colonel Lindbergh has displaced everything... has lifted us into the freer and upper air that is his home.»
In a movie that purports to depict post-World War I life as it was in that «freer and upper air,» it is ironic — and incomprehensible — that Lindbergh is given no mention.
Tau Boötis A spins fast and emits ultraviolet radiation, which destroys compounds in the planet's upper air that would otherwise absorb starlight, heat up, and cause the temperature to rise with altitude.
However, it is worse during periods of warmer, sunnier weather when the upper air is warm enough to inhibit vertical circulation.

Phrases with «upper air»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z